Look at Me, Mommy!

Her legs are finally long enough! Go, Gracie, Go!

(And yes, my daughter does does run around in just underwear a lot of the time. I admit it.)


Does This Make Me Green?




  1. Anonymous


  2. Anonymous

    hey amy yeh i bet not havign on any clothes in hot weather is nice its getting hot already in scv it hit over 90 on sunday.

    i cant wait until my niece sophia is potty trained I had to deal with a dirty diaper today yuck!

  3. ZoeMarks

    Oh Amy I cant believe shes riding that trike! Shes so big!! What a clever clever girl! x

  4. Anonymous

    Jocelyn (our two year old potty training student) has the same kind of fashion statement going on these days, except it’s still cool enough here in Arkansas that we need to keep the shirt.

  5. Cristy

    Just found your blog and am looking forward to following along! As a fellow adoptive momma, I love to see other families that are Christ centered and multi racial.

    Your daughter is beautiful!

  6. Unknown

    She is so precious!


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