
Welcome to our blog! This blog will mainly include updates about our life in Tanzania and stories about Grace, for those of you who appreciate more details and pictures!


Mama Grace


  1. da halls

    Welcome to the blogosphere!
    I’m excited that you have a blog so now I can get even more updates on the going-ons on your side of the world.
    Mary Beth

  2. Jen Gifford

    HA! I think I may your FIRST comment!!! YAY for me!!! I love that you guys have a blog now 🙂 so fun…man, technology is wild…so it looks like things have worked out and I am headed to Uganda this May afterall…Hallelujah!! It is the product of much prayer and seeking the LORD but he has made a way! I love you guys and I am happy to have a place to refer to your lives and how you are doing. Mukama Yebazibwe!!! (Luganda for PRAISE THE LORD!!!) God bless you Medinas 🙂

  3. Jen Gifford

    whoa. someone beat me by 3 minutes…booooooooo!!! 😉


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