Just Grace and Mom on an Adventure

As soon as her feet hit American soil on this trip, she became an American citizen. Yay for no more visas! (for one child, at least)

With her beloved Aunt Kimmie and Uncle Paul (my brother)

Easter Sunday in my dad’s unbelievable garden

My aunt brought over 200 eggs….my dad is still finding them.

My family

At Great America: she is definitely a roller coaster girl!

It really was love at first sight.

Out to lunch with our FCC home group: We are so blessed by these people!


Disneyland with our So. Cal. family

with cousin Natey

During the street parade, Grace got pulled out of the crowd to dance in the street. She danced her little heart out!

with Cousin Maddie

As far as Grace was concerned, this was the crowning moment of her three years.

She has officially lost her photogenic phase. Let’s hope it returns soon.

with brand new Aunt Shannon

At Buca’s with Bibi and Babu

Helping Uncle Paul with his birthday candles. She chose the frosting color too, can you tell?


Reflections on America


20/20 Vision


  1. Melodie Monberg

    I love the pictures…your parents look great! They haven’t aged at all…good genese for you!

  2. Anonymous

    great pics amy we took my niece to disneyland yesterday seh also got pulled to dance in the parade she didnt though but she did do the conga line they had!

  3. Chocolate, Vanilla and Caramel

    Sounds like you had a great trip. I couldn’t believe how grown-up your brother looks! Of course, we’re *all* grown up now, but somehow I still imagined him to be the little kid I knew… 🙂


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