Joy and Grace

A couple of weeks ago, we had the privilege of attending the wedding of a friend from HOPAC, our drama and music teacher, who happens to be named Grace.  Gil was invited to be the lead photographer–his first time shooting a wedding.  He had a blast, and so did all of us HOPAC friends who got to attend.  It was a very, very joyful day. 

And didn’t he do a great job?  (Some of these pictures were taken by Jessi, one of his photography students, who was his assistant that day.)

This wedding (as most Tanzanian weddings) was seriously one big dance party.  The bride and groom danced their way from the chapel to the reception, the guests danced at any opportunity they got, and my favorite?  When everyone formed a line and danced their way up to the bride and groom, holding their gifts over their heads as they presented them one by one.

Makes an American gift table seem downright boring. 

My Grace loved it….she always takes any opportunity to dance! 

HOPAC friends (that is not Josiah, in case you were wondering…he and Lily stayed home)

My wonderful Gil with very tired eyes….after shooting pictures for 8 hours straight!




Mom’s Favorite Words: Go Play Outside!


  1. Kim

    Gil….my fabulously creative photographer son-in-law. What a gift you have!!


    It was an amazing day captured by a great Photographer. God bless the Medinas

    Love Mrs.Grace Nakaka


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