It Always Starts and Ends With a Letter

I visited social welfare again today, for the first time in over a year.

Ah, the memories. That long drive, parking down the street, walking down the sidewalks of downtown Dar, past the shoeshiners, the beggers, the deep-fried bananas, the guy with the bathroom scale that you can step on for 25 cents to check your weight. Riding the elevator to the fourth floor. Usually returning disappointed, impatient, sometimes in tears, sometimes elated.

Today, I had a letter.

Dear Commissioner of Social Welfare,

….we would like to apply to foster a third child so that Grace and Josiah can have a younger brother or sister….

You get the idea.

Here we go again!


Dressing Those Gals


Gangsters and Gals


  1. five_solas

    YAY! Very exciting news! Can't wait to see you and your cuties when we come in June!

  2. Erin

    YAY! So excited for you guys! And starting to pray already for what I know will likely be a LONG, frustrating process.

  3. Melodie Monberg

    WOW, so exciting! Can't wait to see how this journey goes for you!

  4. Sammye & Tumaini

    A little baby somewhere has no idea how lucky they will be, and how lucky they will make you 🙂 Lots of love and prayers coming your way!

  5. Brandon

    That is so exciting!!!

  6. Anonymous

    aww gil and amy im so happy for you guys going for your third adoption:)

  7. da halls

    Woo-hoo! Buckle your seat belt! Yehaw.

  8. M&B

    God has big plans…I can't wait to see how He unfolds them for your family. Praying His grace and sovereignty will be SO evident to you as you await your third little miracle!

  9. jibberish

    Blessings, prayers, and well-wishes from Arkansas!


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