Is this heaven? No, it’s Iowa.

Unfortunately we were not anywhere near the Field of Dreams.  (Gil checked…..because, of course, I really wanted to see a baseball diamond in a corn field.) (Umm…that was sarcasm.)

But what we did see was a whole lot better….our wonderful friends, Peter and Becca and their kids.

We’ve known Peter and Becca since our college days, when Becca and I lived in #9.  In fact, the prank war that I mentioned in that post?  Peter was one of those guys.  

Later, we both joined the same mission, but went to totally different parts of the world.  Now they are in Iowa.  We hadn’t seen them in 8 years.  Feeds the soul to spend time with old friends.  The amazing corn on the cob helped too.  




Meet Me in St. Louis


  1. Tundra Mom

    totally awesome to see you!

  2. Anonymous

    Oh, what fun you must have had!

  3. Anonymous

    Oh Amy and Becca. How fun to see you together! Becca, I didn't know about baby #3.
    Dr. Adams

  4. Carley

    pools seem to be a recurring theme.. (I'm reading these backwards in "time".)


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