Don’t.  Feel sorry for me, that is.

Last week was our kids’ mid-term break, so we headed off to the beach for three days–at a house on our favorite beach, for less than the cost of what we would pay for dinner and a movie in the States.

Yeah.  There are perks to this life.

We brought our new friends along–Marc and Gretchen–who not only took over the Bible teacher position at HOPAC, but they also lived in our house last year.  Pretty cool that they are also now our friends and we like them a whole lot.  

Snorkeling with Daddy

And….just in case these pictures look a little too idyllic, you also should know that over the course of the three days, three out of the six children were throwing up.  We offered $5 to whoever actually made it into the bucket.

That’s how we roll.  Just keepin’ it real.