In Between


Josiah, my perler bead maniac, brought this to me recently.  He told me that the green piece is America, and the blue piece is Africa, and the red piece is us flying on the plane in between.


Okay, so it’s not an artistic masterpiece.  But I love that it showed me what’s going on in his little head. 


I have a map too.  It’s a bit more sophisticated, I guess.  I’ve been sitting there this week, pouring over my map, making little black dots on it.  See those black dots?  They represent the Anders, the McBrides, the Limas, the McLerans, the Bunnells, the Pelczars, the Millers…..and many more.  We’re playing connect-the-dots these days. 

I can’t wait.

I would like to know, though, how it is possible to simultaneously ache for the beauty of two very different places, at the same time? 


Saadani National Park

My Dad’s garden last week, wisteria in bloom



Ah, my divided heart.




Passing the Baton




  1. Evelyn

    Amy, I understand aching for two very different places at the same time – and the divided heart. Wonderful, yet hard! We are blessed to LOVE both places! Any chance your connect-the-dots will take you to WESTERN CANADA? If so, we'd love to see you! Karibu Sana!
    Evelyn and family

  2. Amanda


  3. Amy Medina

    Evelyn–I will add you to our list….not sure if we will get that far north, but you never know!

    Amanda– 🙂


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