Imagine I Am Nine Months Pregnant…

….and that I will give birth in just a couple weeks!

Except that the baby will be 8 months old.

And Tanzanian.

Okay, so the analogy is breaking down. But you get the idea.

We did choose a baby! His name is Christian. He is one of 5 available babies at this orphanage, ranging from 2 months to 9 months old. Christian is about 8 months old.

Very sorry to disappoint my readers, but we’re not going to post pictures of him yet. Or give the reasons why we chose him. We have learned the hard way that things are still uncertain and we don’t want everyone to get attached to him only to have it fall through. Our social worker still needs to collect some paperwork on him. Best case scenario, it could take as little as two weeks. Pray that we will be able to proudly introduce him to you soon!!!

Thanks so much for your prayers! We are definitely excited but guarded…and still feeling kind of “twilight-zoneish.” But did I mention that we are excited???


Happiness is….


3rd Annual International Youth Camp!


  1. Anonymous

    SUPER exciting…..we do know from past adoptions that being “guarded” is a good thing when mixed with lots of prayer for patience and peace. Very exciting–I can feel the “about to be new parents again” glow all the way from here!

  2. jibberish

    Even more wonderful! We’ll look forward to “meeting” him!

  3. Emily

    So exciting…praying for you both and wishing I could be there to meet him when he comes!

  4. Anonymous

    very cool amy and nice lead into your story wasent grace the same age when you got her i thought she was?

  5. Unknown

    I am praying, praying, praying.

  6. da halls

    I’m sooo excited with you!


  7. Megan @ SimplyThrifty

    I’ll be praying for the adoption. Praise the Lord that you got approval to adopt…finally! Hope the Lord opens the doors wide so you can bring your son home soon.

  8. Carley

    Amy I am so happy for you, Gil and Grace! I’ve been praying and will keep praying for this adoption. 🙂

  9. Unknown

    yay! I will pray that everything goes smoothly. How exciting.

  10. esther

    Amy, thanks for adding me to your mailing list! I’ve loved reading the updates! Congratulations on the new blessing that’s soon coming!


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