I am…

happy to be spending time in the city where I feel most at home in America. This is where I went to college, where I became independent, where I worked my first “real” job, where I met and fell in love with Gil, where we started our lives together, where we learned how to do ministry. So many wonderful memories here.

humbled by the generosity and hospitality of others. Our friends at FCC are blessing us exceedingly, abundantly by the love they are lavishing on us. How blessed we are!

basking in the warmth of fellowship with old friends. I love to watch my kids play with other kids, I love to see the joy that eminates from FCC Life Groups, I love the hours of deep conversation with people who have known us for 10 years.

wistful because I know it won’t last, lonely because even though we have been welcomed home with open arms, I know we aren’t really a part of each other’s lives again.

and yet…

still missing the life we left behind….hearing about the events at HOPAC and all the things we are missing out on…

and wishing so desperately that somehow we could live
two lives
at once.


this mommy loves the Grace in her life


Soul Refreshing


  1. Tundra Mom

    "and wishing so desperately that somehow we could live
    two lives
    at once."

    I so know this feeling. Hang on tight as you balance and live fully between two worlds.

  2. The Malmgaard Family

    I so know what you're talking about, wanting to live two lives… Miss you guys, but so glad to hear you're enjoying your time back.

  3. Rotters

    I also so identify with that feeling. I think for those of us who have lived around the globe this will always be a deep felt emotion. Only in heaven one day will we really be finally "home"

  4. da halls

    Thanks for being honest. So many of us have no clue what your "inside world" is really like and this helps us to know how to pray for you. AND to know you better.



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