How Were You “Called” to be a Missionary?

The Christian use of the word “called” is elusive. Christians use it to explain why they don’t do something: “I wasn’t called to do that,” or they use it to justify a choice that they’ve made.

But what does it really mean to be called? I think a lot of people assume it is a feeling, a “peace,” or even more dramatic like a dream or vision. But in Scripture, that happens only very rarely.

Gil and I did not become missionaries because of a dream, vision, sign, or a feeling of peace. In fact, I would venture to say that we have felt a lot of rather “unpeaceful” feelings in our journey. Obeying God does not always bring feelings of peace.

Our “call” started with:
1. A commitment and love and passion for the Great Commission—to see all peoples in all nations come to know Christ, and a willingness to go wherever God leads.
2. A desire for God to use our unique gifts, talents, and place in life in the most strategic way possible for His kingdom.

That’s it. All there is to it. Basically, the way every Christian everywhere should live. I’m not saying, of course, that God “calls” every Christian to live overseas. But God “calls” every Christian to the two statements above.

During our first two years in Tanzania (2001-2003), we had no idea where we would spend our lives. God had given me a love for Africa (I spent 6 formative years in Liberia and Ethiopia as a child), and Gil a love of other cultures, especially in the third world. But that’s all the direction we had.

During those two years, I was teaching 5th and 6th grade at HOPAC. Gil was involved in another ministry, but filled in as a Bible teacher for a couple classes when there was a need. He discovered that not only did he love teaching the Bible more than he loved anything else, but also that he was incredibly good at it. The school’s director started recruiting Gil to come back and be the chaplain at HOPAC. We went back to the States, Gil got his MA in theology, and the rest is history.

How do we know God called us here?

1. HOPAC’s ministry is strategic in the kind of kids it is reaching and the kind of families it is helping.
2. There was a big need at HOPAC for a chaplain and full-time Bible teacher, both of which the school had never had before we came.
3. The ministry perfectly fit with our gifts, talents, vision, desires, etc.
4. Our vision was totally in agreement with the leadership of the school.

Does this sound overly logical and not very “feely?” Well, it is. There have been many times when we wrestled with God over this. It is not always easy; it is not always fun; there is a lot of heartache involved. But isn’t that the case with any calling in life? However, there is immense joy that comes from knowing we are doing exactly what we are supposed to be doing, and that we are in a place and situation in life where we fit perfectly. Doesn’t get much better than that.


“So…How’s it going…over there?”


How Could You Take Your Kids There?


  1. Anonymous

    Hi. We love the FAQ's. Your comments about being “called” are spot on. For us there was no voice from heaven, but a constant assurance that we were in the right place each step of the way. We like the words of Abraham’s servant in Gen.24:27 As for me, being on the way, the LORD led me. (NKJV) We found only when we obedient to one step was the next step revealed.

    The question we get asked often is "Well do you like living in Africa?" Asked by those who clearly haven't a clue of life here. Did they ever read the news letters we sent them?!!! Our polite answer is, "Well, it's different." What we would like to say is "Like, what do you mean by like?" "Are your referring to the power cuts and amoeba dysentery or the privilege of telling lost souls about the Saviour?"

    Robert & Ruth

  2. Amy Medina

    Thanks, Robert and Ruth! I appreciate you. And yes, I have plans to answer that question–I have heard it many times too!

  3. Anonymous


    Living and raising all of my children in the states I can see the diffrence betwin MK kids and kids from the states.

    It appears that MK kids seem to have a greater appreciation of life and do not seem to take things for granted.

    Where kids from the states do not seem to take just about everything for granted. But in all fairness kids that are raised in the states and have a christian education where values of life are walking with the Lord are great kids.

    As a parent of a missionary I can tell you it is not easy to have your children and their familes so far away and as I grow older and ask “Why” I try to understand that you are exactly where the Lords wants all of you to be as hard as it is for all of us.

    I am truly greatful for what the Lord is doing in your life and the life’s that you will touch by shreing Gods word. May He continue to use all of you for His Glory.

    Love Lupe


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