
Okay, okay, I know I said I wasn’t going to give any more updates.

But, ummmm….I changed my mind.

Because today was pretty amazing.

I decided that this morning I would visit both the district social worker and the regional social worker. I really didn’t expect to get anywhere. Pretty much, this was one of those, “I’m-still- here-and-you’re-not-getting-rid-of-me visits.”

First I went to the district social worker’s office. I didn’t know if I would even see anyone I know. The social worker who did our home study (she was awesome) has been transferred. And our lawyer had warned us that her assistant (the one who wrote the letter that was rejected) is at a conference. She was right. Both ladies were gone.

But there was another lady there, named Nelly. I’d only met her once and I don’t even know what her official position is. But I explained the situation, for lack of anyone else to talk to.

She said, “Oh, I can rewrite that letter. Do you have a few minutes? Do you want to wait? I could do it right now.”

Do I want to wait? Do I want to wait?

Back up a minute. In all my dealings and visits with social workers, for both Grace and Josiah’s adoptions, I have never, ever (did I mention never?) had a social worker be willing to write a letter on the spot. It’s always, “Come back tomorrow,” or “Come back on Monday,” or “Call me tomorrow and I’ll let you know.” It usually takes, on average, five visits to a social worker to acquire whichever letter we are currently working on.

So, duh, yeah, OF COURSE I WANT TO WAIT!!! I wanted to sing and dance and give her a million dollars.

So she found the first letter. Copied it. Rewrote it by hand with the correction.

Then she folded it up, addressed it, and said, “Do you have a car?”


“Okay…my assistant here will go with you right now to deliver it to the regional office. Just please give her bus money so she can come back.”

Bus money? Don’t you want a million dollars?

So we delivered it. And the regional social worker read it. And said it was fine. And she said we should call back tomorrow. Because now, once again, we wait for the final-final-final letter. Maybe. You never know.

But it still was amazing.

The last few days have been good for me. Meditating on God’s sovereignty. Trusting His good timing. And the truth is, I still don’t know when my boy will come home. But today was a wonderful reminder that God can do whatever He pleases, whenever He pleases. He can harden hearts and soften them according to His good pleasure. This really, truly is all in His control.

“The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases.” (Prov. 21:1)






  1. Jayme Solomon

    Isn’t it neat how the Lord gives us glimpses of His love along life’s tough roads? He’s always there even if we begin to doubt. Thanks for sharing your heart with us. I can’t wait to hear how the rest of the journey goes.

  2. Unknown

    This post made me cry. So beautiful. I feel like I’m in labor with you. So thankful my prayers are being answered. I’ll keep them coming.

  3. Anonymous

    wow amy sounds like you had an amazing day im glad josiah will be with you guys soon

  4. Cat

    I had been praying that you would soon be able to write a post just like this, Amy! We rejoice with you that God has intervened on your behalf. We will keep praying!

  5. Jen

    Wow! I’m so glad you changed your mind and shared it with us! Isn’t God AMAZING!?!?! Keep up the good work! They’ll get sick of you coming down there every day and maybe they’ll speed things up! Woo hoo! Can’t wait to see pictures of your glorious day! Don’t delay too long in telling us! Press on!

  6. da halls

    Thanks for changing your mind!

    Oh happy dance. Another step closer to bringing your lil’ dude home. Praise God!

    I’ll keep praying.

    Thanks for the update.


  7. Megan @ SimplyThrifty

    I am so happy that you had such an exciting day and were able to get the letter you needed so quickly! I will pray that the rest of the process goes quickly.

    I’ve been dealing with some major family issues of late and was blessed by the end of this post where you wrote, “God can do whatever He pleases, whenever He pleases. He can harden hearts and soften them according to His good pleasure.” That is so true and no matter how much I want to “fix” people, I need to keep being reminded that our God is in control!.

  8. Unknown

    That is the truth! Isn’t it great to rest in the fact that He is in control? I can’t wait to see the post of you holding your new son.

  9. Sammye & Tumaini

    This could be nothing other than an act of God. I am floored by the response you got from Nelly. Sending lots of wonderful, positive, grateful energy to Nelly :), and thanking God for this blessing.

  10. Becky

    Yeah!!!!!! I am thrilled. God is so good. I pray that “tomrrow” will come soon.

  11. Anonymous

    Ummm…I don’t know why doing what we are supposed to do is so hard. Care for widows and orphans, that a huge undertaking and you are trying to do it. God please give some joy in this really hard journey. I am crying with you and hopeful too.

  12. Anonymous

    hey amy congrats on havign josiah home cant wait to see pics!


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