His Movie, His World, His Gift

I’m sitting in the living room without the fans on, and am starting to get uncomfortable.  I wore my hair down last week for the last time of the season.  The sweat is returning for yet another year. 

One of the electricity phases in our house just went out, which means that 1/3 of our lights/fans/outlets aren’t working.  Josiah just had a little tantrum over the fact that his own personal bed fan stopped working.  Sorry, Buster.  Ain’t much I can do about that. 

Josiah got up this morning, stripped naked, and the very first thing he put on were his knee high, multi-colored Cars socks.  There isn’t much in life that is more amusing than seeing a tiny naked little brown boy wearing nothing but socks.  After all, his socks are always the most important part of whatever ensemble he happens to choose for the day. 

This morning I was walking home from school and got caught in the rain.  It stopped as soon as I hit our driveway.  As it dripped off my eyelashes, I prayed for more.  The dams are emptying and the power cuts will soon start again.

I just got over three days of the stomach flu.  Nothing like laying on the bathroom floor that makes one really, really thankful for general health. 

Unfortunately the stomach trouble started during our Student Council leadership retreat.  But it was still a good weekend. 

I voted yesterday.  Today, after school, while my mom friends and I watched our kids on the playground, the topic turned to politics, as it has a lot recently.  One of my friends, who is simply amazingly interesting, admitted today that she read all 2000 pages of the Heathcare Bill.  I like politics, but she is my source of information.  Wish I could vote her into Congress.

Tomorrow I will go to the FedEx office and mail off the remainder of our documents for our adoption dossier.  The paperwork pregnancy will finally be out of my hands. 

This morning the doctor diagnosed Gil’s toe pain as gout.  Apparently it isn’t just a condition from Jane Austen novels. 

Our niece just got married last weekend and we missed it.  However, a teacher friend who we have known for 8 years is getting married in November in Kenya, and today I started planning her shower.  She and I gleefully laughed that it was recently discovered that a store at the mall does wedding registries.  They even have the little gun! she said. 

This year all of our students are going through Crazy Love by Francis Chan.  Today I looked for quotes from the book to put up on posters all throughout the school. 

In our world, where hundreds of things distract us from God, we
have to intentionally and consistently remind ourselves of Him.


The point of your life is to point to Him. Whatever you are
doing, God wants to be glorified, because this whole thing is His. It is His
movie, His world, His gift.


His art, His handiwork, and His creation all echo the truth
that He is glorious. There is no other like Him. He is the King of Kings, the
Beginning and the End, the One who was a
nd is and is to come.


Alter Ego


Future Investments


  1. Alyssa

    You know, you're going to have to edit these blogs when he's a teenager. I'm laughing now, imagining his future horror. Maybe I should buy him some Cars socks for his 16th.

  2. Amy Medina

    well, yeah, Alyssa….should I tell YOUR son the stories you have told me about HIM???? 🙂


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