Heathrow Airport, London

Whew! My breath is taken away by the speed at which these pictures downloaded! Just another evidence that I am now in the United States.

Anyway, we are safe and sound in California. Nine hours to London, 10 hours to California. Multiply by 5 when adding an 18 month old to the mix…. Actually, Grace did well, all things considering. She didn’t sleep much, and she did rip up all the in-flight magazines, but we managed to stay sane! She made friends with half the people on the planes and all the flight attendants–and they gave her first class food–her first taste of strawberries!

We are now happily basking in the warmth of friends and family. Oh yeah, and enjoying Walmart!


Bet You Never Knew You Could Fill Potholes This Way


My First Taste of America by Grace Medina

1 Comment

  1. jlelovesjesus

    im glad you guys made it safe to cali! oh man i wish i was home to see you guys!


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