Remember William and Stella


There’s that precious baby girl, Janet, who is now 20 months old and scared to death of anyone white.  Would not let me come near her; you can see it on her face.  But the sight of her sure makes me smile! 



As you might remember, William is the head cleaner at HOPAC and blesses us every day.  He is also the pastor of a church in a village not far from here.  So we decided to make a visit to William’s church, and to play with the kids that come to his Sunday School.  (We’ve been there a number of times in the past.)


It wasn’t much, just some crafts and snacks and games.  Santa, interestingly enough, doesn’t make it out to the villages in Africa, so it was fun to bless these kids, just a little bit.  Though I think my own kids got the most out of it.