Grace for the Day

Pouring rain today. 

But determined to visit Social Welfare.

My plan was to visit the big kahuna. I’ve only met him once, but this man is a blessing to the adoption world. If only there were more like him. If there would be anyone who could help us in this situation, it would be him.

Unfortunately I found he is traveling this week.

But since I was already at Social Welfare, I decided to visit Mrs. A, just in case. She had told me Friday that she still did not have Lily’s police report. Well, today was Wednesday. Worth a shot.

When she saw me, she said, “I think I have your report.” She took out 25 files and leafed through them. I think I held my breath for 5 minutes. I probably turned blue.

And then suddenly, there it was. A piece of paper that had our name and Lily’s name on it. Blessed, blessed piece of paper.

She read it in my presence. Furrowed her brow. Asked me some questions. Uh oh. She had some concerns about the report. And I almost had a heart attack.

I pulled out my phone and got ready to call our lawyer, the director of the orphanage, and the president of the United States. She calmed me down. “I think it will be okay,” she said. “Call back on Thursday.”

So next week, we’ll either be super close to getting our final letter, or back again where we were three months ago.

Consider the lilies.

Grace will come when it is needed.


Consider the Lilies


Summer Dreamin’


  1. Megan @ SimplyThrifty

    I have been and will continue to pray for your little Lily to come home and for that little piece of paper to be processed QUICKLY! Praying that you get the paper VERY SOON!

  2. jibberish

    So is it Thursday yet? 🙂

    Skip the President and keep calling God.

  3. Melodie Monberg

    I've been checking here daily and praying for calm patience for you and for Lily. I look forward to hearing how God will use this timeline for her story.

  4. Barbara (Tumi's Bibi)

    I've been checking regularly as well hoping for news of Lily's homecoming.
    Your hospitality during our recent visit was above and beyond. Deep gratitude!
    It was so very special to be with you and your children. God bless you!

  5. Amy Medina

    Thanks, Bibi! We loved having you with us!


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