Gangsters and Gals

Twinkly lights, roses, sparkling punch, feathers in the hair, great music, and of course…dancing! Last Friday night our Youth Group was transported back in time to the Roaring 20’s…and what a fabulous evening we had!

In Youth Group, we love our theme nights. There’s not a lot of places for teens to go around here, or things for them to do, so we make up for it by putting on Theme Nights. Every time they get better. I think this one was the most fun so far. This is me and my co-leader, Carley (third from left) with our Discipleship Group.

It wouldn’t have happened without Kate (2nd from left), our good friend and fellow Youth leader who also teaches at HOPAC. This really was her idea…and since she was the only one who knew the dances, she made it happen! Kate decided to name our 20’s “club” the “Charleston Charge.” She told the kids that only Carley, Gil, and Amy would “get” it….but that we would think it was pretty funny. She was right…and I’m guessing that some of my readers from my generation will “get” it too. 🙂

Kate and Christa (who is a naturally gifted dancer) demonstrating for the group.

They all got out there and tried–even the guys!

But I think the guys were more into the guns than the dancing….

About half of the group.

And of course, we had the cutest little Gangster and Gal of all….what is kind of scary is that no one asked her to pose like that.

Sigh….my very own Gangster. Isn’t he fabulous? And my dress….didn’t I tell you?

When I came out of the bedroom with the dress and the hair and the hat and the bright red lipstick…Josiah just stared and stared with those expressive eyes. Finally he said, “You look cute, Mommy!” in his two-year-old voice. Fabulous.


It Always Starts and Ends With a Letter




  1. Anonymous

    wow glad you guys had fun doing this! love the pic of the kids too cute:)

  2. Unknown

    That looks like a blast! You, Gill and the kids look fabulous. I love it!

  3. Unknown

    so totally fun – you guys are awesome!

  4. da halls

    How fun!


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