Our Annual Executive Council Retreat was last weekend, and it was great.  This year:  5 girls, one guy.  4 Tanzanians, one German, one Korean. 


We spent 8 hours writing our vision statement and making a master plan for the school year, and the rest of the time, we had fun!  I wasn’t feeling too well, so I had to miss out on some of the fun part, but it was still so well worth the time. 


I love the conversations we have with these kids.  Sure, they love movies and Facebook as much as the next teenager, but they are far more interesting than just that.  Last weekend, we talked about how body image is determined by culture, how superstition and animism is so much a part of African culture that it permeates Christianity in Tanzania, and what it is like to try to bridge two different ethnic backgrounds. 


I learn something new every time I talk to them. 



The team (right to left):  Kandy, Daniel, Diana, Rachel, Joanna, and Cynthia

They’ve got a great plan for this school year.  I am proud of their ambition and their love for their school.  Great things ahead!