
Yesterday I went to visit Mama S again.  It had been almost three weeks since my last visit, and despite trying to call or text her, I hadn’t heard anything from her. 

Got to the office, waited outside.  There was no place to sit, so I plopped myself down on the concrete floor with my Kindle.  I’ve seen other women do this (well, not with a Kindle), so I figured it was culturally appropriate, but I still got some strange looks.  However, I always get strange looks there.  I’m always the only white person.

After a while I realized that no one was going in or out of the office, even though I knew there were people inside.  I realized there was a sign on the door.  I couldn’t translate all of it, but I got the gist that the social workers were now only seeing people on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays.  Wednesdays were for meetings and Thursdays….well, I couldn’t understand that part, except the word “kuandika.”  To write.  That was encouraging.  Maybe they were allowing themselves Thursdays to write reports.

I peeked in the office anyway; there were a bunch of staff in there.  I made eye contact with Mama S, which satisfied me, since really this was only a “nagging” visit anyway…I didn’t really have anything to say to her.  But at least she knew I had been there.  I sent her a text message….again.  And didn’t expect much. 

That evening, I got a message back from her.  The report has been written.  It will be mailed tomorrow. 

And there was much rejoicing in the Medina household. 


The Spirit of HOPAC


Babies on the Brain


  1. Sarah Kompelien

    HOORAY!!! Such great news! 🙂

  2. Anonymous


  3. M&B

    Praise the Lord!!!

  4. da halls


  5. Jen

    I got goosebumps reading this! So excited for you!


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