Does This Make Me Green?

I wash and reuse my zip-lock bags. Lots of times. According to past roommates (who shall remain nameless) and friends who now live in Long Beach (who shall remain nameless), this made me weird. Very weird.

But I was raised in Africa. You couldn’t buy zip-lock bags there. They were a luxury so you re-used them until they didn’t hold together anymore. So I did it in the States too—out of habit, I guess. Now I do it because I’m living in Africa again and I have to make my one box of bags last two years.

But this makes me Green, right? Now, I know I haven’t lived in the States for a while, but Green means Cool, right? Not weird? Definitely not weird.

Wash ‘em, stick ‘em on the wall to dry. Good as new.


Get Out the Sweaters!


Look at Me, Mommy!


  1. jibberish

    Stick ’em to the wall? I think that makes you the most innovative decorator I know! 🙂

  2. Anonymous

    yes it makes you green. yes it makes you cool. yes it makes you innovative–seriously, I’ve been washing mine and leaving them to dry on my faucet…which leaves drip marks on the sink….. genius. But I already knew you were. 🙂

  3. Jayme Solomon

    Amy, you are too cute! Yes, you’re definitely green. I can’t believe that you make those boxes last soooo long.

  4. Anonymous

    As one of your former roommates I still say it makes you weird! 😉 Next you’ll be trying to convince us of how fashion forward you are too!! 🙂

  5. Amy Medina

    Sure, Autumn….you only WISH you were Green too!!!

  6. Anonymous

    hey amy how did yo get em to stick to the wall thats interesting. it just remindsme that americans are very wasteful or at least my family is.

  7. Pete and Patty

    Don’t you people know anything. Static electricity.

    Just like a balloon.

    you know, rub it on your shirt or pants and then static holds it up!


    you know if you get your daughter to wear clothes then you have more static electricity available to you.

  8. Amy Medina

    My goodness…I never expected this topic to generate so much discussion.

    Technically, it isn’t static electricity that holds them to the wall. I’m not sure if that would work on tile. I’m not sure what exactly the scientific process is that holds a plastic bag to the wall–suction, maybe? You get it a little wet, and it sticks. Try it yourself today for an entertaining afternoon activity.

    By the way, don’t take my daughter’s lack of clothes to mean that she doesn’t own enough. That is definitely not the problem. Chalk it up to the heat, her mother’s laziness, and the fact that no pants makes using the potty significantly easier.

  9. Unknown

    This makes me want to send you a case of ziplock bags. 🙂

    And I’m totally with you on half-clad children. Run free, little darlings!

  10. Ryan, Kelli, Kiana and Madison Gleeson

    I wash my ziplocs too Amy….crazy , I know. I feel so wasteful throwing them away if it was just crumbs. Now—if I have something REALLY yucky ie: chicken etc. I TOSS EM! I grw up watching my Mom toss them. 🙂 Does that mean I’m 1/2 green too? We’re trying to be more green (key word—TRYING)! Ryan is riding his bike to work….that count?


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