The Darkest Night Comes Before the Dawn

Since I’m posting twice on one day, read the previous post first.


Today is Sunday, which means we were without power for 6 days and nights. This afternoon we went over to Gil’s classroom where we all took naps and Gil and I got some work done. We came back home about 5:3O, and I saw our outside lights on. I gave such a shriek that I almost gave my poor husband a heart attack, who later told me he thought we were being robbed or the house was burning down.

Since being home, it’s already gone off again for a half hour, so I have my doubts as to whether the problem is really fixed. But for now, I am enjoying life.

…cold drinking water…warm shower water…fans…the washing machine humming away…the ability to keep leftovers…my husband home tonight!

The simple pleasures of life.

I am thankful!


What More Could I Ask For?


FAQ’s About Missionary Life and Tanzania


  1. Anonymous

    LOL I love imagining the part where you shriek and Gil thinks you are being robbed!! I can always use a good laugh! :)Thanks
    PS Oh and I ‘m happy for you!

  2. Unknown

    Yay!! 🙂

  3. Anonymous

    woo hoo! yay oh by the way very cute pics in your other post i love how josiah is playing peek a boo

  4. jibberish

    Congratulations! Though major remodeling is not nearly as inconvenient as being without electricity, it too serves to make one thankful for the “little things” that are big blessings.

  5. Chocolate, Vanilla and Caramel

    What great photos of your husband in the previous post! I don’t think I’ve ever seen any of him (or, if I did, I didn’t realize it was him) or maybe I’m just forgetting. So glad to hear your power is back on!! That’s great. And so funny that your poor husband thought the house was burning down or being robbed. 🙂

  6. da halls


  7. Gapper Nest

    Praise God!


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