Cultural Progress???

Yesterday (Saturday) I needed to go grocery shopping. Gil said he would watch Grace, so I took off on my own.

There is one two-lane road that leads into town (we are sort of in the suburbs). One two-lane road for a city of 4 million people. As you can imagine, there are times when it gets quite congested. Well, yesterday morning, “congested” was an understatement. After 45 minutes, I had only gotten a mile from home. Now, that kind of traffic is bad enough, but you know when you are stuck in traffic on the freeway in California, and there’s always some renegade who drives on the shoulder? You mutter curses under your breath and pray that an officer catches him. Well, imagine you are stuck in traffic, but dozens and dozens of people are driving on the shoulder. Not only that, but as soon as there’s a break in on-coming traffic, they drive straight down that lane as well. Sometimes they even drive on the shoulder on the other side of the road. (See post below). For those of us who continue to wait patiently in our own lane, you can imagine that this is quite frustrating.

So, frustrated, irritated, and still very determined to get to the store, I turned around, drove back past our house and took off down what is affectionately called “The Back Way.” The Back Way is an all-dirt, very bumpy road. But given that this is rainy season, it’s actually a mud road. And the bumps turn into enormous lakes. And given the fact that we do not have a 4-wheel-drive car, going down this road was not the smartest thing I have ever done.

All I can say is that I am very, very thankful that our car did not stall in the middle of one these lakes of mud. Some of them were 3 or 4 feet deep. The worst point came when I was driving through one of these “puddles” and the mud came up over the hood of the car and onto my windshield. You could say that got my adrenalin going.

Like I said, not the smartest thing I have ever done. But I was determined. And indeed, there was much less traffic on The Back Way.

An hour and a half after I left home, I finally did make the 10 miles to my destination. The grocery store I was headed towards is at Dar es Salaam’s very own mall. Yep, we finally have a mall. And it does indeed look like a mall (albeit a very small one) by American standards. It has about 30 stores and is fully enclosed and air-conditioned. But the stores are not quite what you would expect at a mall: a grocery store, a pharmacy, a dry cleaners, 5 banks, and a photocopy store are some of the more unusual merchants. Much to our delight, there is also a movie theater with three screens. (It’s getting “Juno” this week—sounds like a date night!).

Yesterday, however, before I went grocery shopping, I headed to the newest store, the one all our students were talking about last week, called “Mr. Price.” Upon entering, though, I went through somewhat of a culture shock.

Half of the store looks exactly a smaller version of Bed, Bath, and Beyond. The other half looks like the clothes section of Target. It is a beautiful store. I was in shock. After driving through the mud lake and fighting the mayhem outside, to suddenly be transported back to America sent my senses into overload. I walked around in much of a daze—kind of like how I felt a year ago when the mall first opened.

But perhaps what was most disturbing to me about Mr. Price was the prices. They were actually quite reasonable. Why would I be disturbed about that? Well, because there are a few other stores in the mall which sell imported clothes and housewares, but they are so absurdly priced that I don’t even give them the time of day. But the prices in this store were affordable—kind of like Target prices.

And at least half of the customers were Tanzanian. That’s what disturbed me. There is a growing middle class in Tanzania—which is a good thing! But just because there are people in Tanzania who are moving out of poverty, does that mean their houses have to look American? Does that mean their clothes have to look American? The decorating styles in Mr. Price were most definitely western (it’s a South African chain). The majority of the clothes do not meet African modesty standards (which considers the legs as the most important part to cover up). Yet this Tanzanian middle class can now afford these things.

And that makes me sad. Even for myself—yes, I was attracted to the things in that store. But I don’t want my house to look American. No, it doesn’t look totally Tanzanian either. But my goal isn’t to re-create the kind of life I would have had in the States. Part of the reason I love living in Africa is because I get to escape the materialism of the west. I have always liked finding local products to substitute for things I need.

But the west is coming to Africa. And with each store, a little bit of the African culture dies. I do most earnestly hope and pray that the roads will improve! But I wish there was a way to allow progress to happen to Africa while still remaining distinctly African.


Driving, a.k.a. Taking Your Life Into Your Hands


Amazing Grace


  1. Anonymous

    Hey Pumpkin! Driving in TZ is just like Liberia. Remember traveling in the taxi where we had to hold the rear door closed with your elbow? Hope this paragraph will be in your book!!!
    Love, Babu

  2. da halls

    Interesting perspective in regards to culture changing. I agree, it is sad.


  3. Anonymous

    I think western culture has been vilified unnecessary. I agree we should celebrate individual cultures, but there’s nothing wrong with modernizing. Just my opinion. 🙂

  4. Amy Medina

    I hear what you are saying, Weslee. I certainly do not want to join the throng of “America-bashers” who seem to equate our country with Nazi Germany. Most of the time I am proud, and all of the time I am grateful, to be American. I also disagree with the idea that the third world needs to stay in poverty in the name of preservation of culture. I don’t have the answers all worked out, but I wish there was a way for African cultures to advance in standard of living while remaining distinctly African, and certainly without adopting the negative values of excess and selfishness of the west(which are not inherently African.)

  5. Anonymous

    Excess, convenience, overkill….words I think of to describe American “things”. Not everything, just alot. I have to admit, I have 4 bags of baby clothes in my garage right now, we have been generously given so many hand-me-downs that I have excess. (the generously given part is good, the clothes are almost new and are getting to be used again, I have not had to buy Clara much) I have 2 friends that can go through the bags and take what they need…and It will keep supplying all of us for awhile. The sad part is that others elsewhere have none.
    Anyway, i hope that you can keep the innocence and simplicity that is so precious there in Tanzania.
    Steve preached this Sunday on materialism, if you want you can listen to it online.
    Much love, Brenda

  6. Anonymous

    Hi Amy, sorry it’s taken me so long to respond, I have morning & all-day sickness to blame! Anyway, as Brenda pointed out materialism is sinful, but what I was trying to say is that it’s more a condition of the heart to want things that we don’t need rather then something that originates from a certain region. It seems, as you pointed out, that so much is blamed on American culture, rather then on the heart which is a general human condition. I liked what you said about not wanting the African people to stay in poverty to preserve their culture. I too, wish we could all be content with much less, but it seems to be a struggle that only Christ can help win. Thank you for the great discussion! 🙂 Weslee


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