Crazy Love

They came on Sunday afternoon.  So many of them; these people we love.

And they played the games that Gil loves to play and has played so many times.  And we laughed together and ate together.

And when the eating was done, they all sat down on the floor of the basketball court.  The place where we have seen so many assemblies and graduations and sports tournaments and International Days and Christmas programs and the place where our hearts have been exchanged with theirs.  

So it was a good place to sit.  

And we laughed and cried and they loved us, and the sadness and the sweetness intermingled.  

And then they surrounded us with their love and lifted us up to the One who loves us even more.    

 My cup overflows.  


Thanks, Guys.


Drum Roll, Please…..


  1. Alyssa

    Sadness and the sweetness intermingled. Beautiful, Amy.

  2. Amanda

    Like. In a big way.


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