The Family Graduation Dinner…..

…and the Ceremony on Thursday.

I’ve been on the graduation committee for….forever (long story how that started), so I wasn’t too pleased with the interesting decorations this year (a job we hire out) and the fact I ordered the wrong color tassels from Jostens.  But since Jostens is a continent away, what could I do?  Eh. 

(Note to self for next year:  Tell decorator we want flowers, not birds’ nests.)

This amazing husband of mine was chosen by the students, for the second year in a row, to be the commencement speaker.  And he was awesome.  Really and truly.  I’ve got to get that speech from him and post it. 

Jessi and her (Swiss-German) family.  Jessi won the Christian character award, and this is the kind of family that keeps churning out remarkable children.  All three older kids were on Student Council this year. 

And this one’s off to Harvard. 


Our four “Lifers” this year:  All 13 years at HOPAC!

Our Executive Student Council this year

HOPAC Class of 2012:  Off to change the world!