These pictures are out of order…this happened BEFORE we went to the States…but you get the idea.

We took our youth group kids to a nearby village the week before Christmas. The head janitor at HOPAC, a wonderful Tanzanian named William, is planting a church in this village, and we came to play and bring gifts to the kids. It was a great experience for our kids and theirs.

We brought nail polish to do up the girls’ nails (and some of the boys who didn’t want to be left out!). Then, of course, they had to do OUR nails too! And to think I didn’t pay anything for this manicure.

Our kids and their kids.

My discipleship group came over for cookie decorating. Oh, and of course, they got to eat the ones that “accidentally” broke.

Jenai (Irish), Jessi (Swiss), Hannah (Korean), Andrea (Dutch), and Michelle (Australian–a short-term missionary). Each of these girls is an MK.

The “rain” and the “sun” in the elementary Christmas production. These little people were WAY too cute.