Christmas in Pictures–Part 1

Mommy is doing a lot of really silly things at this moment.

I love this picture. She really isn’t hurting him. He just did not want to be there.

Ah, the torture we impose upon our children.

Little Miss Photogenic

Youth Group Christmas Party.

The group was much smaller than usual for a number of reasons, but it was still Very Merry.


Christmas in Tanzania


Adventures in Paying Bills


  1. Anonymous

    aww cute pics

  2. Anonymous

    i am missing alot… 8( lol. its nice knowing what u guys are up to 8)
    Lucy xxx

  3. Anonymous

    Merry belated Christmas! It is always a joy to read your blog and share in your joys, sadness, and laughter. We miss you guys! Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! 🙂


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