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Medina Life, January through March, 2018

She turned 12 and got braces. My beautiful girl.
The Medina Four with the Quad Squad: Everyone’s favorite quadruplets.
In January, Gil was invited to be the speaker at a Young Life retreat for HOPAC students, and he rocked it. (Of course, God had a little something to do with that.)
Basketball season! Josiah played his heart out…..
But it was Grace’s team that took the championship! (Gil was their fantastic coach!)

Reach Tanzania Bible School 2018 cohort of students!
We hosted our church district fellowship group in March.
Book Week! Here we have Papa Bear…
And Ralph S. Mouse
Service Emphasis Week sent all our kids on service trips to other schools.
And this picture was taken for future bribery purposes: Josiah with his (very mini) man-bun and pink headband, which, apparently, is very cool in the soccer world. 

Dear Missionary Mom of Littles

As much as I love those little faces and wish I could go back and squish them one more time, I must admit that I am relieved to be done with the days of diapers and Dora and Itsy Bitsy spider. Focusing mainly on my kids for so many years was a privilege….but it was hard. This is a letter to those missionary moms who are there right now.

Dear Missionary Mom of Littles,

I see you.

I’m starting with that, because I know that often you don’t feel seen. You stay home with the kids while your husband goes out to teach the Bible study. You hang around the back of the church, trying to keep the baby quiet. You have to leave the team meeting early so that your toddler gets his nap.

Of course, every mom of littles, in any culture, is going to struggle with similar things. But I think that this particular season of life is even harder on missionary moms.

Quite likely, you are raising your kids in isolation. You don’t have your own parents or other relatives nearby to help out. There isn’t a Mommy-group at your church or a pee-wee soccer league in your city. There might not even be a McDonald’s Playland or a safe park to walk to. And you feel trapped.

Yes, there are other ladies in your host country with small children. But they may be parenting their children very differently from you. They might live in their mother-in-law’s house. They might put their kids in all-day preschool at two years old, or hire a full-time nanny, or be okay with letting their children freely roam the streets. They might criticize you for not keeping your child warm enough or spoiling them too much or not spoiling them enough or for giving your child a popsicle, even when it’s 90 degrees outside. And you feel very alone.

Maybe you’re remembering earlier days, when you worked right alongside your husband, or when your job felt significant. When your ministry was thriving and you could look back at the end of the day and feel satisfied with all you accomplished. Now you feel exhausted but have nothing to show for it. Your newsletters are full of your husband’s adventures, but you don’t have anything to contribute. And your life just feels….boring.

And you may wonder, What’s the point? Why am I here? You know the importance of spending these years with your little ones, but it feels like you could be doing the exact same job in your home country. Except there, your life would be less lonely and less difficult.

I was you for ten years. When I see you, I remember.

Go hereto read the rest.

A man who claims to be God rises from the dead.

A man who claims to be God rises from the dead. To our enlightened, scientific, modern minds, it sounds preposterous. But the existence of the universe itself is also preposterous, so somewhere along the way, we have to think outside of what science tells us should happen.

There are times, of course, that I doubt. Having faith does not presuppose the absence of doubt. Was that really an answered prayer or just a coincidence? Are my beliefs just a product of my upbringing? Do I continue to believe simply because I am afraid of the social consequences of unbelief?

Those questions once terrified me, but I have learned to face them head on without fear. God doesn’t need defending, and though the water might be murky when it’s stirred up, Truth always rises to the surface.

I am just one person out of seven billion on this tiny planet, and each of us brings a different perspective to the table. How can we possibly ever find Truth? There will always be another side to every story. We will never collectively agree. We grasp onto the ideas of One, whether that be Buddha or Gandhi or Oprah, but how can we be sure that their ideas are actually more enlightened than our own? Our personal self is the most real thing to us, which explains why so many end up constructing their own private religions.

So is finding Truth even possible?

Some say no, but no one actually lives that way. It’s easy to say Truth doesn’t exist until some great evil is committed against you, and then you know, to the core of your being, that somehow there are Great Standards in the universe, and they’ve been violated.

If Truth does exist, then it has to be outside of ourselves. It can’t come from any man, because no man can ever see outside his own perspective. It has to be a supernatural revelation. Anything else is going to be our own construct, or somebody else’s. There are just no other options.

There are plenty of so-called supernatural revelations out there, so it comes down to which one to trust. For me, the self-proclaimed deity of Jesus, combined with the historical reliability of his death and resurrection, is why I’ve thrown my lot in with the Bible. Everything hinges on those events of two thousand years ago. Everything.

Not every question is answered, of course. Can any worldview answer every question? There still is a level where, despite our innate understanding that we are more than just mortal beings, we will never be able to grasp everything. That’s where faith comes in.

Some also may argue that we don’t know exactly what the Bible does say. I will grant that, on some things. But if we agree that the Bible is a supernatural revelation, if we decide to base our lives on it, then we at least will be heading in the right direction. We may get the interpretation wrong, but the Bible itself is never wrong. There has to be an objective standard.

If we don’t like that, then what other options do we have? We can either pick another revelation, or we can rely on our own limited perspective. There are no other options.

A man who claims to be God rises from the dead. It starts as dry philosophical objectivity, but it doesn’t end there. Because of the Resurrection, love, hope, forgiveness, grace, purpose and beauty burst forth into the world. They became historical realities, not just feel-good concepts.

And thus, Jesus is worthy of our worship. Which is why I celebrate today.

How Do I Decide What to Write About?

A reader from Canada asked me to blog about these questions: How do you decide what to write about? How do you know what’s okay to say and what is revealing too much? How do you dance between open communication and respecting your co-worker’s need for privacy? How do you stay connected with home churches without your children feeling like celebrities?

Great questions. Here are my answers:

How do you decide what to write about?

Sometimes ideas present themselves on their own. I wroteNever Trust a Dead Chicken andThe Great Battle of 2016 for Dar es Salaam the same day those thingshappened. I’ve written lots of posts after conversations with my friendAlyssa, because she always makes me think. There’s been many times when I worry I am going to run out of ideas, but then I never do. These days, though, I do run out of time.

I process my thoughts through writing. I discover new thoughts by writing. I see this blog as a journal of my life, so I want to represent all the pieces. That can be tricky, though, which leads me to the next question….

How do you know what’s okay to say and what is revealing too much?

Whew. I wish there was a rule about this one. I don’t exactly know. If I’m writing about something sensitive, I usually pass it by Gil, and sometimes my parents or another friend before I post it. There’s been several times when Gil has asked me to completely re-write a post because I’ve said too much or been too harsh, and I really appreciate that. 

I think ultimately my guide is the gospel. If what I say is going to bring more glory to Jesus, then I don’t mind people seeing into my soul. 

How do you dance between open communication and respecting your co-worker’s need for privacy?

I’ve become a lot more careful about this the longer I have been writing, but I probably still don’t always get it right. I recognize that I am okay with being a whole lot more public about my life than many others are, and I want to respect that. 

I try to be completely anonymous about the people I am writing about, and if not, I ask them ahead of time. For example, when I wrote When Her House Was Scheduled for DemolitionWhen Plan B is God’s Best and When the American Church Fails Its Missionaries, I wrote with the explicit permission of the people I was writing about. In fact, I sent them an early draft and asked them to edit it (which they did). I also asked Nikky for permission to write her story.

These days, I’m also trying to be a lot more careful about what pictures I post, especially of other people’s children. Since I am now a principal, I’m a lot more concerned about how I represent my students. This is hard, because I think HOPAC kids are the cutest in the world and I would love for you to see them! (In fact, if you are a HOPAC parent and don’t mind if I post pictures of your kids, please let me know.)

This is why these days, you’ll see mostly group shots or lots of pictures of the backs of kids’ heads.

How do you stay connected with the home churches without your children feeling like celebrities?

This is pretty much impossible, even if I didn’t blog. I don’t know if there’s any way around MK’s not feeling like celebrities in their home churches.

What’s harder for me is the desire to show that we are not a perfect family, yet remember that my kids’ don’t need their struggles out there for the world to see. I’ve felt this a lot more as they’ve gotten older. So if my pictures and stories about them make it seem like we are a perfect family, well, that’s certainly not true. I want you to see my imperfections, but for now, I will usually avoid telling you about theirs. (Though sometimes I make exceptions.)

I am always open to new ideas! If you have something you would like me to write about, don’t hesitate to let me know.

Let Me Introduce You to My Staff

Book Character Day at Haven of Peace Academy. I can’t think of a better way to introduce you to the extraordinary people I get to work with every day.

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