Call Us Crazy



How do I say this? 

The beginning.

Do you remember how I said we fell in love with this little guy? 

No?  You don’t remember absolutely everything I write?

Well then.  We did.  Fall in love with him. 

I guess we fell in love with lots of them.  But this little guy?  Well, I couldn’t stop thinking about him.  And I found out that he is, indeed, available for adoption. So I started praying for a family for him. 

But I never really thought it could be us.  Because all along, all these years, I understood that social welfare only let you foster/adopt one child at a time. 

But then, I ran into our lawyer.  Introduced her to Lily.  Chatted a bit, and on a whim, I asked her, “Does the law state that you can only foster one at a time?”

And she blew me away by saying No.  She said that almost always, it’s the decision of the social workers to only allow one at a time.  But it is not prohibited in the law.  Just like the law does not limit the number of children a family can adopt–even though the social workers usually try to limit it to Two.

But as you know, over a year ago, the big kahuna at social welfare gave us permission to apply for Three.  He is a very good guy.  He is very pro-adoption. 

So we prayed.  And we thought. 

We have always wanted four children.  If we wait until Lily’s adoption is finalized to apply for a fourth, we won’t have time to complete it before our home assignment (two years from now).  So that means that we won’t be able to apply again for three years.  Meaning it could be four years until we get our fourth child.

We would rather not wait that long.

And there’s a little boy who is perfect for us, waiting for a family right now.

Now, don’t jump the gun here and get too excited.  This is a long shot.  Truly.  In fact, I almost didn’t tell you about it because it really is a long shot.  Getting permission to take this little boy (essentially, to foster two unrelated children at once), is almost unprecedented.  There is no law preventing it.  But that doesn’t mean it will happen. 

But we decided to publicize this because the more people are praying, the better. 

So, look at that little face, and pray.  Please!

Gil and I went to social welfare last week.  The person we wanted to see is traveling and won’t be back until November.  So we will go again then.  If he says yes, it would be a matter of months, not years, until we could bring the the little guy home.

Because, of course, our lives are not quite crazy enough yet. 


Meet Sam


You Want Pictures? I Got Pictures.


  1. Anonymous

    Will be praying…
    – Cecilie

  2. Joan

    WE don't think you're crazy. We will pray.

  3. nomadmom

    Continuing to pray!! 🙂

  4. Jen

    Love for children is never crazy. This is huge like you said…it will be an opportunity for all of us to pray that God works His quiet little miracles in a way that brings about this little guy being a part of your family. I'll be praying…I can't wait to watch and see what God does. Maybe it's "No" and that's okay, or maybe it's "net yet" or maybe it's "yes". We'll trust His hand along side of you!

  5. Anonymous

    Amy you guys are amazing i hope you get him is a cutie


  6. Anonymous

    Amy you guys are amazing i hope you get him is a cutie


  7. Anonymous

    Amy, you are prayed for regularly in our home; we can now add another little cutie to our prayers. May you know the Lord's abundant wisdom, peace and joy in the next months.
    love from
    The Armstrong Family

  8. Melodie Monberg

    WOW…will pray…Crazy Love I say!

  9. Unknown

    YAY. I love that you are doing this. I will be praying.

  10. Unknown

    Wow! We are definitely going to lift up your family in prayer! How wonderful to want add another blessing to your family.

  11. Amy Medina

    Thank you so much, praying friends!

  12. brenda m

    That would be awesome! As in, our Awesome God could do that! Asking Him on your behalf.


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