The Call of Motherhood and Christian Mommy Blogs

I feel so out of it sometimes. I’ve lived 8 of the last 10 years in Africa. I have never raised children in the States. But I like to keep in touch with life in America. So I read blogs. Some belong to friends, or friends of friends, or sometimes I’ll visit those of people I’ve never met. And from these blogs I have gotten the distinct impression that certain things are very popular right now with young Christian moms, namely:

1. Giving birth to as many children as possible, or at least more than four.

2. Homeschooling all of them.

3. Training them all to cook, clean, garden, and play musical instruments.

4. Doing all the housework “with a plan.”

5. Cooking from scratch with only natural ingredients.

6. “Simple” and “frugal.”

7. Making one’s own laundry detergent.

8. Scrapbooking and/or selling crafts on Etsy.

And when these particular topics are discussed, all are backed up with Bible references.

So I look at this list and compare myself:

I have never given birth to a single child. I have no intention of homeschooling. I have a full-time house worker who does all my cleaning and laundry. I cook from scratch out of necessity, but in this country, the raw milk will kill you and the whole wheat flour won’t rise. I have no idea if what I am eating is organic and no way of finding out.  Coupons don’t exist here. I have never found borax in the grocery store. I hate scrapbooking and my idea of craft time with the kids is to hand my daughter a bunch of popsicle sticks and some glue (which kept her entertained for two hours, I might add).

Is this really how it is in the “Christian Mom” community or is it only in the blog world? I could never live up to those standards here, yet I don’t think I could do it in the States either. But I feel myself succumbing to the pressure. I purchased Nourishing Traditions. I made a chore chart for Grace (which lasted about a week). I spent an hour on Tuesday researching “safe” sun screens.

No one is actually pressuring me, of course. Not a single person has criticized me for the lack of borax in my house. But I feel like they would, if these invisible women saw me. Ha! What kind of mother are you? Look at all these plastic toys! Your children can’t name all the classical composers! And you have a maid!

So I ask myself: Why am I feeling pressured?

Because I want to be a good mom.

Because what they say makes sense.

Because I get their biblical interpretations.

Because I want to do it right. “It” meaning “everything.”

It’s funny really. My childhood dream was to have 16 children and live on a farm with a husband who had a beard. The beard part was very important. In that life I would have had plenty of raw milk.

I wanted to live that life. I would have been happy in it. Maybe I would have even liked scrapbooking.

But even though in my heart I am so similar to those women, I have been called to a vastly different life.

I don’t have 16 children because even if I could produce them, it’s not prudent or realistic for an overseas missionary family. I don’t homeschool because our lives and community and ministry are completely wrapped up in HOPAC—and our kids are part of that ministry, and one of the best ways our family can minister to students and parents is to have a daughter attending the school (and there’s no better school in the world for her to attend). My children may not learn how to do all the things they would do if they were in America, but they will learn to communicate with people from all over the world and identify and experience a multitude of cultures and religions (with some piano lessons thrown in there too). I have a full-time houseworker because she is the sole breadwinner for her family; there is 40% unemployment in this country, and I am thus given the freedom of time to minister to more people. I do not garden beause vegetables are plentiful, beautiful, and I want to support the local economy.  The food we eat and the laundry detergent we use and the sun screen we slather may kill us….but we would eventually die anyway. The safest place in the world is in the center of God’s will.

I certainly hope no one sees this as a criticism for living the life of simplicity and frugality and organic, natural homes of 16 children. Don’t you get it? I want to be like you. Does that seem silly to you? Maybe you see my life as glamorous and exciting. The grass is always greener, isn’t it?

So I’m writing this post to myself, really, to remind myself of God’s particular calling on my life as a mom. And maybe to any other moms out there who feel like they can’t live up to the Christian-Mom-blog standard.

It’s important to see the difference between a biblical mandate and a calling. Even in my own passions. Go into all the world and preach the gospel. I used to think everyone needed to be a missionary. Then I grew up. It’s a command for everyone, but what it looks like in everyone’s life will be different. True religion is to care for orphans and widows…that’s another passion and calling of mine—applied through adoption in my life—but applied differently for others. But it’s thus true for other commonly used passages as well, such as Be fruitful and multiply or Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Let us not confuse calling with command.

Don’t get me wrong. I found coconut oil on the grocery shelf last week and it made my day. I like simple and natural; it’s just not always realistic. In certain other life circumstances, I would home school. But it is so easy for me, in my quest to be a “good mom,” to lose sight of what really God requires of me. Love. Train. Discipline. Impart wisdom and truth. Listen. Sacrifice. For every mom, in every life situation, that’s going to look different. The most important part is that I am in God’s Word, my heart is right, and I am faithful to His call on my life.


To the North


This Is Why Kids Need a Dad.


  1. Amber Hanshaw

    I love to read other Mommy blogs but also often feel incompetent or even unbiblical in my attempts. I have absolutely NO desire to homeschool. We have a housecleaner and a lawn man. I don't particularly care if my veggies are organic or not. But you know what? We have a lot of fun. My kids KNOW they are loved. And they KNOW Jesus loves them.

  2. Katie in Times of Spring

    Loved this post!! Especially because most of my friends here are blog moms. (The funny thing is, my sisters are not. Well… Bonnie is using cloth diapers, but only because her husband is cheap!) and I don't eat meat, but I don't have kids. So I pretty much fail all together. 🙂

    and Borax? You can't get it in Tanzania… They outlawed it in the UK a couple of years ago. I have to special order it as hazardous material for certain Chemistry Labs. hehehe So I wouldn't use it in the washer anyway. (Especially not when Omo can strip dirt, grease, stains, color, threads and elastic out of clothing… 🙂

  3. Nikki

    Thanks for this perspective 🙂 My husband and I are actually moving to Tanzania in the next year or so as full time missionaries with our 4 children. Yes, we do homeschool, and yes, living in the states we are constantly made to feel as if we aren't quite measuring up as moms. Sometimes our passions can become our idols if we're not careful. That can happen to any mom, no matter where they live or what their customs are. Thankfully we ALL have the grace of God as try to live out this calling called motherhood!

  4. Anonymous

    Great post amy you are a great mom i see it through your posts and josiah and grace are lucky to have you!

  5. jibberish

    Another good one, Amy! It can be so easy to allow our insecurities and fears to make us anxious rather than delighting in the blessings of where God has planted us and the means of service to which He has called us. I'm so glad God loves variety!

  6. Marisa B

    Thank you SO MUCH for these thoughts, Amy!!! I struggle with the exact same thing. I love homemaking and want to be amazing at it (ok, I really want to be perfect, if we get down to it) and I sometimes compare myself to all those supermom-bloggers out there. But I am not called to do things exactly like someone else does; God has gifted me uniquely to serve him as me. So thanks. 🙂

  7. Jayme Solomon

    It's so easy to feel the pressure to conform to what every other mom is doing at church. I feel it, but I also know that God has different plans and callings for all of us. I have no desire to homeschool either… I want my kids to be a light to those around us and I also hope to get involved with other parents in our neighborhood and be a light to them. It's so easy to stay in "the church bubble". I can count on 1 hand the number of un-saved people that I associate with and it's kind of sad. I really can't wait to step out of my comfort zone and be the Light that He's calling me to be as my kids grow up.

  8. Ashley @ Root And Twig

    I read plenty of mommy-blogs and you're right about those trends: there's definitely certain 'cool' parenting styles. It can become a competition almost! Your blog is one of the most interesting and inspiring ones I read, simply because it is NOT all about homeschooling, organic food, and raising dozens of children. So, thanks!
    I agree that we can imagine the 'grass is greener' over in someone else's family- blogging can send some pretty one-sided messages. Obviously you're not privy to all the nitty-gritty in everyone's lives (thank goodness!), so sometimes it seems they have it all together. No one does.
    Sometimes, I take a break from reading blogs just so I can clear my head and remind myself of what MY own style of family and loving God is like. So easy to let others' influence ooze in…

  9. Briar

    I only hit #2 out of the 8. Bummer. 🙂 The funny thing is I thought I was more cut for the life you are living than suburban life!

  10. Amy Medina

    So very encouraging to read your thoughts, ladies! Thank you!

  11. Melodie Monberg

    A good post…we each have to live intentional lives. Here in the US I have to be intentional about making sure my kids don't eat garbage becasue frankly, it's cheaper and very easy to give them. I have to be intentional about spending time with them because everything out there distracts.

    There are many days I long for the "simplicity" of life overseas; where what we eat, what we do, what we wear, how we are entertained are created out of necessity and not an overabundance of luxery.

    Both sides struggle…just on flip sides of the coin I think!

  12. Unknown

    What a beautiful post. Of the 8 things you listed, I do none. Every once in a while I try to do the housework with a plan, but the plans never last because, as I am coming to learn, they lack variety. I have scrapbook supplies lying dormant. Aside from those two "sort of" things, I don't do any of the others. In freedom. By choice. But the cultural guilt infringes every once in a while, and posts like yours help to wash it away, especially given your cross-cultural perspective. Beautiful.

  13. Megan @ SimplyThrifty

    Beautifully written as usual. That's one thing I love about our God. He's called us to do our best with what He's given us and it looks different for every person. I've stopped reading some blogs because I felt like the writers were judging others who didn't do what they were doing. I love learning things from other moms and have learned many cool things to make/do with my kids that I wouldn't have discovered otherwise. However, I try to keep it all in perspective and remember that I'm NOT them and don't have to do it all. Great post Amy!

  14. nomadmom

    Great post! 🙂


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