The Buzz of the Town

If you keep up with the news, you know that our own U.S. President is touring African countries right now. And at this very moment, he is on Tanzanian soil. Oh my goodness. The excitement, the excitement. He’s here for four whole days. Apparently that is a long time.

They re-paved the road in front of the American embassy. Rumor has it that all of the new lines they painted on the roads are also in his honor. (Do you think he’ll notice?)

This morning at church we talked to a friend who works for the U.S. government. He said that Our President’s envoy is taking up the entirety of the three nicest hotels in Dar es Salaam. That’s hundreds of rooms. Apparently in addition to Air Force One, they also flew in ten (ten!) gigantic cargo planes that brought in helicopters and bullet-proof cars and who knows what else. Them’s your tax dollars at work, folks!

Sadly, we won’t be seeing him. But a few of our students whose parents work for the U.S. government will even get to meet him. Whew! Pretty exciting…..


No Bugs or Monkey Brains


Oh! How I Love These Girls


  1. Anonymous

    wow that cool amy!

  2. Carley

    That’s awesome…more about the repaving of the road in front of the embassy and the lines than anything else. hehe 🙂 Downtown traffic must be horrible when his motorcade goes through!

  3. Amy Medina

    Carley–yes, we were very excited about the repaving of the road, since that’s always been a bad one. Whatever it takes, eh? We were hoping maybe he would be driving all the way down Bagamoyo and they would have to pave that one too!

    By the way, it’s not like anyone actually pays attention to the lines painted on the roads. 🙂

  4. Anonymous

    hey amy he was doing an interview on a news show here this mornign and all i could of was the post yo made abotu him haha! i heard hes gunna be in africa for quite sometime!

  5. Marisa

    I was excited to hear about Dar es Salaam in the news! I thought of you guys.


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