Babies, Con’t

Good news on all fronts.

Stella:  She is at 30 weeks.  She is somewhat anemic but otherwise healthy.  Her doctor still has not admitted her to the hospital, but he is optimistic she will make it to full-term.  She lost the other babies somewhere around 32 weeks.  Please keep praying.

The Medinas:  I finally connected with Mama A this week, after two other attempts to see her. 

Happiness #1:  She has received Mama S’s homestudy report.  I saw it with my own two eyes, which was exciting since I still wasn’t entirely sure it even existed.  It looked extremely thorough.  Should be, since it took six months to write. 

Happiness #2:  Mama A didn’t say anything about needing an International Report.  Hoping it stays that way.

Happiness #3:  She was in a good mood.

Happiness #4:  We should just be waiting for final approval now.  That approval letter will also give us the name of a child–our little girl.  At the advice of our lawyer, we have not requested a particular child, but only a gender and age.  However, Mama A did ask me about our preference for orphanages.

Could be two weeks; could be two months…two years.  But she’s coming! 






  1. The Malmgaard Family

    So excited for you, Amy. But so sad I won't be there to meet the little new Medina girl..

  2. M&B

    Praising the Lord!! I'm praying for the two weeks!

  3. Anonymous

    Meja & Mejo,
    The Lord is going to Bless you both with another little princess. Praying for two weeks.
    I am excited that soon I will be a grandma.
    Love and missing all if you Mom/Proud Geandma

  4. Sammye & Tumaini

    Very good news! Can't wait to meet you little girl.

  5. Becky

    Yeah! So excited for both babies!


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