Aunt S’Nelle

I’ve known Janelle since our first term in Tanzania. She has spent 7 of the last 9 years teaching at HOPAC, which is pretty impressive considering that the school has only been around for 14 years, and the average teacher comes only for 1-2 years. Janelle has always been my friend, but this last year she lived in the little (emphasis on “little”) guest house in our yard, so she entered the “family” category.

Janelle is one of the most Christ-centered people I know. Her passion for the gospel, devotion to her work, and compassion for her students are unequaled. Though she never made a show about it, Janelle prayed for her students, daily, by name. Every year she found prayer partners for each individual student.

During this last year, almost daily I would hear, “Mommy, I go Aunt S’Nelle’s house?” And off Grace would run. Janelle was such a special person in my little girl’s life–especially in a country where we don’t have any extended family.

Janelle just left Tanzania for a new chapter of her life. How we will sorely miss her! All the dinners and chats while cleaning up afterwards, all the laughter and stories and her beautiful example. I praise God for allowing her to be in my life.


Can You Tell Grandma is Visiting?


We May Be in Delivery….


  1. Unknown

    Praise God for friends. What a blessing for you to have been able to be so close to Janelle, and for your lil Grace too. I love the way you honor your friend. Beautiful.

    I just gave you an award over at Abba Stories


  2. Anonymous

    wow amy thats so cool!

  3. Anonymous

    Oh, my…what undeserved mercy and grace and love!! You know better that most about my wretched pride, self-centeredness, and decietfulness…but praise God I’ve been redeemed and I’m being sanctified…and God has used YOU so much in that process! Thank you, Amy, for showing me God’s amazing love and mercy and grace to me in such tangible ways! I’ll never forget how you rejoiced and wept with me over the events of this past year. Miss you so much! Love, Janelle


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