And You Think California is Expensive….

1600 shillings per liter equals $1.33 per liter
Approximately 4 liters to a gallon means…
$5.33 per gallon.

(the other prices listed are for diesel and kerosene)

Makes you want to ride a bike!


Less Than a Mile From Home


Driving, a.k.a. Taking Your Life Into Your Hands


  1. Anonymous

    im gald i dont own a car! 🙂

  2. Becky

    that’s some spendy gas. I “tagged” in my blog. Feel free to do it if you want.

  3. Anonymous

    T just bought a new car because of the gas prices. Guess what it is? A red Geo Metro! Talk about a blast from the past. 🙂

  4. Kimcoutts

    Just so you know………gas is now $4 per gallon at home and climbing.


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