And then it happened!

The text message came about 11:00 this morning:  The social worker has received your police report!

Finally, finally, after all these weeks!  Blessed, blessed news!

There is still one more step.  The police report gets sent down to Dar, and then we wait to receive one final letter from social welfare telling us we can bring her home.  With Grace and Josiah, that only took a week or two.  We have friends who waited eight.  You just never know. 

BUT the exciting part today is that now we can introduce her to you.  The police report was the key, because that’s the letter that releases her for adoption.  Up until that report, it’s just speculation.  

Anyway, what am I wasting time for?  You want to meet her! 

So here she is:

Her name is Lilly Zawadi Clement.  Her mother, Zawadi Clement, died two hours after she was born, and no one ever came to claim the baby or the body.  She was a premie and stayed in the hospital a number of weeks.  Now she is almost 2 1/2 years old.

We are going to keep her name but spell it Lily.  This was an endless debate between Gil and me, because I really like the significance of giving any adopted child a new name when she enters a family.  But she does already know her name, and Gil and I both really like the name Lily, so Gil won out in the end.  She will one day be Lily Zawadi Medina.

And there was great joy in the Medina household!




All Over the Place


  1. Bubbles

    Awesome, awesome news…praying vehemently that she will be in your home and ready to greet us when we get there…and that is in less than 4 weeks! Praising the Lord for and with you all!!!! See you soon, Alisha

  2. emily

    This makes my heart so happy. Her smile is priceless- absolutely perfect! I'm so excited for her (and for your family)!!!

  3. Anonymous

    Hooray! Our prayers are answered.

  4. Maria

    Wonderful! What a blessed girl to have Medinas as her family and a blessed Medina family to have her! She looks like a sweet, sweet girl. Congrats!

  5. Erin

    Praise the Lord for the police report! He is about to change this little girl's life radically!

  6. Anonymous

    Oh my goodness! So happy for you & your family 🙂

  7. Jen

    Hurray! Praising God with you! She is precious in the pictures and I know she is already very precious in your hearts! I haven't read the book…it looks like it's a good one!

  8. Unknown

    Very happy tears. She is so beautiful, Amy. 🙂

  9. Anonymous

    What a gorgeous smile she has, So happy for you guys!!

  10. tulip

    Wonderful news…..and a wonderful name! We also have a "Lily"….she is our baby and such a delight. Praying she will be in your arms in the blink of an eye! Blessings!!!

  11. Alison H

    Great joy in MANY households! I feel I have been on this journey with you through all 3! I love seeing you be so transparent about it all. I've cried with you – just today, actually, on your first post – and now I rejoice with you! God is so good!

  12. Megan @ SimplyThrifty

    Praise the Lord!! What a beautiful, precious little girl she is. Praying that the letter comes quickly!! May God bless your family richly through little Lily.

  13. Sammye Walton

    So, so precious. Hope to get to meet her in July!

  14. Heather and Adam

    Awesome! How exciting for you guys.

  15. Melodie Monberg

    Blessed be the name of the Lord. May she be in your home soon. May the transition for her be filled with peace, grace and comforting love. May you all know the joy of adding new life to your family. Blessings to you all! How fun to see her sweet picture this morning!

  16. Christine

    So excited for all of you! Looking forward to seeing Lily join your family soon. I LOVE adoption 🙂

  17. Anonymous

    So happy for you and your family. What a beautiful little girl with a beautiful name, Lily. Blessings to you all.

  18. da halls

    She's beautiful and I'm soooooooooooo excited for you and your family.
    I'm praying for patience as you wait out this last stretch. And that all goes smoothly so that you no longer have to hear her screaming in your mind (but instead in real life when her big brother and sister take away a toy 80) ).

  19. Anonymous

    How Precious! You have such a Beautiful Family and we thank you for sharing with us. You have been such an inspiration of hope in these unpredictable times. We continue to pray for blessings on your family and mission work.
    Praise God from whom All Blessings Flow!
    The Finne's

  20. Rotters

    Hooray! Such awesome news . She's adorable!


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