All Over the Place

You know when your mind is so full of different things that you can’t really focus on any of them?  When you are experiencing so many different emotions that you don’t really know what to feel? 

Yeah.  One of those weeks. 

Elation over Lily’s police report.  Impatience that we still are waiting.  Crazy head all week to get ready for our youth camp next week and the team that arrived yesterday to put on the camp.  Excitement of having 14 members of our home church here with us.  Getting them all fed; getting them all sleep.  Arranging transportation.  Signing up kids for camp up until the last minute.  Camp starts tomorrow!  Yay!  But stress!  And then the temptation of despair descending on all of us over the complete nose dive of the power company this week.  Every report we hear is very, very bad.  Will it go down to six hours of power a day?  Will it come on at all?  Reports of people going without for 24, 36 hours.  So far ours has been a 15 hour cut, and now it is off again.  What will we do?  Discussing other options for power.  What will we do?  Can I live without a fridge, a washing machine, my computer? 

Ack.  Too many thoughts in my head at one time.  Did you get that camp starts tomorrow?  I won’t be on here for a week or two.  Will try to update about Lily when that news comes.  Not sure what we will do if we get permission to go get here while we are at camp.  We’re in for a roller coaster.  Will tell you about the ride when we get back! 


And then it happened!


Bamba Camp Memories, 2011


  1. jibberish

    Despite knowing that a very limited amount of your thoughts get shared in this venue, I had only just recently been marveling at how well you and Gil juggle so many and varied duties. It's good to know the flip side: that your mind and emotions at least occasionally do what I know mine would do regularly.

    When I get in a similar whirl, it generally helps to prayerfully raise my eyes to the heavens and thank the Lord that at least currently He has me on this end of the responsibility spectrum. We could be in nursing homes with no obligations whatsoever! 🙂

    Congratulations on another step toward Lily! Looking forward to learning our Lord's perfect timing there.

  2. emily

    can't wait to hear! ♥

  3. Melodie Monberg

    I had a dream about you and your family last night…we were all back in Liberia but with our current families and our dads.

    Anyway…it made me think of your family in TZ and I prayed for you this morning. Don't know what God is doing in your neck of the woods today but know that pray is ALWAYS a good thing.

    Blessings to you today!



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