Adventures in Humidity

We have had the rainiest November in the six years we have lived here. I finally got a picture of what the road outside our house looks like when it rains…and this isn’t even as bad as it was the day of the Big Flood.

All this rain has resulted what feels like the highest humidity we’ve ever felt. 100% humidity, to be exact. 100% humidity sort of feels like a sauna…or a steam room…or the bathroom after a hot shower. It’s actually not that hot in temperature–it hovers around 88 degrees. But besides making you constantly sweat, humidity does weird things, especially to food. Like making bread mold if you leave it out overnight. And making mold grow on your leather shoes. And the other day, I went into my pantry and found this:

Can you tell from the picture? The Hershey’s syrup was blown up like a balloon. Hmmm… Checked the expiration date. Not expired. Opened it up. Smelled like beer.

Did you know you can make beer from Hershey’s syrup?

Tasted it. Don’t know if it tastes right. The stuff is vile to me anyway, since my parents forever ruined Hershey’s syrup for me by smashing up malaria tablets and making me take them in Hershey’s syrup every Sunday for all of my young life. So now? Hershey’s syrup forever tastes like choroquine to me.

And now it smells like beer.

Still haven’t thrown it away though. That stuff’s expensive.




1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


  1. Anonymous

    great post amy wow and i thought the usa bad with weather stuff. whats funny right now its december and ca is still sort of warm durign the day. i wonder if the whole global warming thing is true.

  2. Anonymous

    Your blog is one of my favorites because you make me laugh Amy! Thanks for the smile. -Steph B.

  3. Unknown

    I still can’t stand Hersheys syrup either – Mom and Dad ruined it for us forever – and the sad thing is, the syrup didn’t even help with taking the pills! It just made a horrible tasting pill taste like a horrible chocolate flavored pill…

  4. Anonymous

    So sorry we poisoned you Amy!!!!!!
    Love, Babu

  5. Unknown

    Funny post.
    Why were you forced to take malaria tablets when you were a kid? I am curious because I am taking Plaquenil (chloroquine) right now for RA. I have been quite grumpy since starting them, I don’t know if it has anything to do with the pills or not.

  6. Amy Medina


    how interesting that you take chloroquine for RA! I had no idea it was used for anything else than malaria prevention–which it’s basically useless for these days anyway. Nasty tasting, bitter stuff! I was an MK–grew up in Liberia, West Africa.

  7. Amy Medina

    oh–and as far as I know, it never gave me side effects. or anyone else that I know of.

  8. Chocolate, Vanilla and Caramel

    That part about the malaria tablets made me laugh. I too have awful memories of those horrible pills that we had to take on Sundays. So why did everyone mess up Sunday with those pills?!!

  9. Unknown

    Monsoon in Nepal is a lot like that…never had chocolate beer though! (Don’t blame you for not throwing it out…it IS expensive out of country!)

    Sorry to hear about the power as well…so frustrating! The longest I went without was 72 hours (Kathmandu usually has loadshedding… around 50 hours a week) and I didn’t have a family to worry about…keep up the humor though! God always provides!



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