
There’s always parts about living in Africa that could be considered “inconveniences” or “problems” but that I am learning to choose to see as “adventures.” And sometimes, I succeed.

Last week we saw two chalk lines headed down our road and around the corner. They also happened to pass directly through our driveway. A couple days later, when we saw workers digging a trench between those two lines, we got a little worried that the trench was therefore headed for our driveway.

And indeed, it was, as you can see from the picture above. The water company decided to put in a new pipe and figured our driveway was the best path.

Thankfully, after living here five years, I’ve had enough practice seeing such things as “adventures” that I actually saw the whole thing as rather humorous. After making friends with all the workmen by bringing them orange Kool-aid, they were all very helpful when it came to passing children and bags over the large trench in order to get in and out of the car and in and out of my house. And when it rained and the entire thing became one giant mud pit and I was still trying to get in and out of the car with two small children, it became even more humorous.

One thing is for certain: Life does not get boring here.

However, lest you think I am now an expert at being “adventurous,” I am struggling very hard to take the recent news of more power cuts with an adventurous spirit. During the entire year of 2006, Tanzania endured a major power shortage and we were without electricity from 7 am till 7 pm each day. Now there is once again a power shortage, and starting last week, we are without power from 9 am till 6 pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. I’m afraid this will be only the beginning…as is often the case.

It certainly is not the end of the world to be without power two days a week. There are many people in the world, including most of Tanzania, who never have electricity, but when you have it, you depend on it. All of the work I do at home (school projects, lesson planning, and work on my master’s degree) is done on my computer. But probably the hardest part is no fans now that we are entering summer.

So. I am trying to remind myself that there are far greater inconveniences in life, and I should be most concerned about how power rationing affects the economy of Tanzania, since so many businesses and factories are reliant on it.

Okay. It’s an adventure, right? We’ll play outside in the sprinkler more; I won’t have to worry about getting my computer work done since I can’t do it anyway; and it will make me all the more grateful for when the power is on. Such is the stuff of sanctification.


October 7, 2000


A Week in the Life of Us


  1. Unknown

    I love your sharing about your life and the culture you live in. Recently God put it on my heart to pray specifically for ministry being done outside the U.S., and I have chosen you. I’ve been lifting you and Gil and your school and your life up to the Lord on a regular basis ever since. So every time you post on your blog, I know better how to pray and I have a better picture of life in Tanzania. So thank you very much for sharing as you do. And if you have prayer letters or send prayer emails or have a prayer card with your pictures on it or whatever, I’d love to have all of the above. Do you still have my email address? If so, please add me to whatever prayer mailing lists you have, and if you have a prayer card you could email me to print and put on my fridge, I’d appreciate it. Or if you just need me to pray for something spur of the moment or need someone to talk to about anything, I’m here for that too. Just shoot me off a quick email, and I’ll write an email prayer back to you. And if you don’t need that or you don’t have time for that, then as you go about your day and as you encounter the various adventures of your life, just close your eyes, take a deep breath, and say to yourself, “Becky is praying for me.”


  2. Anonymous

    wow amy it does look like life nevr gets boring for you guys. im glad you can look at certain things as adventures. and im sure with grace and josiah everyday is a new adventure.

  3. Carley

    Amy, where do you hear these things? I didn’t know about the power cuts… 🙂

  4. Emily

    I love it…never a dull moment…and I must admit life in America seems boring compared to the adventures that we had/have in Tanzania. It makes me laugh to picture the whole scene unfolding! Bummer about the power cuts…as soon as I read that I immediately had a flashback to my first year there and sitting in bed sweating because there was no power! Hopefully it wont get that back again…praying for you all and love to everyone! Em

  5. Agepe

    Hi Amy… nice blog. I like it. Greetings from Indonesia

  6. Pete and Patty

    You just need to think creatively. Just hire a big strapping worker (since they are so inexpensive) to fan you when you are without power! Or even ride a bike to generate power for your laptop. Life is so simple.


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