A Whole Lot of Wonderful

It’s been four years since I’ve been home for Christmas, and before that it was another four years.

We drove up to spend last week with my family.  It was perfect.

My parents have lived in the same house since I was two, the house where I spent so many Christmases and now get to share with my kids.  

We went ice skating; we went to Christmas in the Park; we went Christmas shopping.  I got to spend time with old friends from high school/college, and even older friends that were my neighbors growing up.  

My only brother became a Daddy for the first time, just a few weeks ago, so I got to meet Emma.  She is perfect and the cutest niece in the world and she joined our family through adoption, so I’m going to make you look at her pictures even if you don’t know my brother.  

We celebrated Christmas with my family yesterday–Christmas Eve, and right now we are in the car, headed back down south for Christmas, Take Two, with Gil’s family.  

It was a happy, happy week.  

Yes, she really is that cute.  And Gil took that picture.  

So it was really only about 50 degrees….even though they are dressed like Eskimos.  

Our biggest task this week was to make a gingerbread house for the family competition.  First time my family did this, and it will not be an annual event, due to the fact that it put the majority of the contestants in a bad mood.  It’s harder than you think, this gingerbread making stuff.

Gil and I, however, mostly had a great time working on ours.  Except for the actual construction of the house, when there was a lot of screaming and yelling and panicking until the thing was up and standing.  After that, it was fun.  

And of course, we made Narnia.  Oh yes we did.

Their Mom and their Dad played with my brother and me when we were their age.


Waiting for Edmund


This Happy Morning

1 Comment

  1. Carley

    Baby Emma is adorable!! I'm loving all the pics 🙂


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