The Joy of Wearing Sweaters

Considering that we live in the land of perpetual summer, it’s a special treat to be able to open the drawer that holds our meager supply of warm clothes and actually get to wear them! We spent the last week in Nairobi, Kenya and definitely one of the highlights was the weather. I mean, it got down to, say, maybe 50 or 60 degrees! Brrr….

There were other highlights as well: singing with a worship team, connecting with missionaries from other parts of Africa, hearing the stories of the national African leaders who attended (even one from Liberia–my childhood home!), and eating yummy food that I didn’t have to cook or clean up after!

This one was just too cute not to post! Grace with our friend Janet, a Kenya missionary, who is holding baby Faith. Janet is fostering Faith until she goes home with her forever family. Grace was enchanted by the baby!

McKayla thought it was pretty fun to drag Grace around all over the place. The kids loved all the beautiful grass! We don’t have parks here, so this was the next best thing.

I am so thankful that I am married to a man who is such a great Dad to our daughter. He is always willing and happy to help with feeding, changing, bathing, etc. Grace loves her Daddy so much and is always so excited to see him!


He is Risen!


Strange Things that Don’t Seem Strange Anymore


  1. Rachel

    Amy — love the pictures of Grace (and the people in her life). What a delightful, smiley little girl!

  2. Anonymous

    Hi Amy! This is Nancy (from the worship team at the conference). We got home safely on Tuesday night after a fabulous safari. I was just missing all you guys and remembered that I had your blog site. It’s good to see the babies again! God Bless You!

  3. Megan @ SimplyThrifty

    Beautiful pics Amy. Thanks for sharing. Your daughter is too cute!


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