Hellooooo…..Out There……

Blogging is an odd experience. At least when I email, even if it’s a “group” email (like our prayer updates), I know who is getting them. But blogging is really out there for the entire world to see, should they choose. (Hence the reason why the topics on this blog tend to be in the “frivolous” category–there certainly are more important things in our lives than cars and water problems and birthday parties, but usually I’m not able to write about them for the sake of privacy of others). And up until last month, I have had no idea who is reading this blog unless the person leaves a comment or they tell me some other way.

Enter Google Analytics….

My brother, Paul, is rapidly moving up the Google ladder, and when we were in CA for Christmas, he set up a Google Analytics site for my blog.

It’s very cool. It tells me how many people visit my blog every day, and what countries they come from and even what states and cities they come from. And there have been some unexpected surprises.

Since December, 199 people (maybe you are the 200th!) have made 770 visits to this blog. You come from 10 different countries and 26 different states. I can think of people I know in a lot of these places….but some of them are beyond me! I can’t remember who I know in Idaho or New York or Utah or Virginia or Kentucky. And I especially can’t remember who I know in the Philippines–someone who checks this blog regularly. Now, I’m not asking you to reveal yourselves…you have a right to your privacy, and personally I have checked out many blogs of people I knew a long time ago or even don’t know at all–and never left comments. But it is indeed odd to think that there could be perfect strangers out there who are interested in this blog!

So anyway…to all you readers out there…whether I know you or not….thanks for taking the time to be interested in our lives! It’s quite an honor, actually.

(Oh, and if you have a blogspot and now want your own Google Analytics page…don’t ask me what my brother did to set it up. I have no idea. Sorry!)


The New Car


The CRACKS Are Coming


  1. Carley

    Hey Amy. I’m one. 🙂 That’s cool that you can see where people are coming from – very interesting…

  2. Anonymous

    kind of cool amy

  3. Anonymous

    Amy, i’m guessing that your analytics doesn’t show you that i read your blog, because i subscribe to the feed through Google Reader, therefore i don’t actually visit your blog. i do enjoy reading about the frivolous things in your life.

  4. Jen

    Hi Amy and family, nice to meet you. We’ve been reading your blog for a few different reasons….one we have friends from your church in California so that’s how we came across it…you’re linked on their blogs. We used to live in CA but moved away about 7 years ago. My husband is a pastor and we are always interested in oversees missions. We have close friends who are missionaries to Nigeria and also adopted while there so your adoption story always interests me. I’m also always taken by the cultural differences of countries. I won’t tell you what state we are in for our own privacy but you are welcome to click on our name and view our blog. =0) Blessings on your family and ministry.
    -a pastor’s wife

  5. Unknown

    I enjoy hearing about your life in Tanzania. I love seeing the cute pictures of Grace.
    I have your blog linked on my blog.

    Jen R.

  6. ruth

    Amy, this is Ruth. I stayed with you and Gil summer of 2006 when I was at HOPAC with Union University. I love catching up on you guys and seeing your precious little girl. You can check out our blog at phillipandruth.blogspot.com

  7. da halls

    I signed up for Google Analytics awhile back and it has been pretty cool. Haven’t totally figured it out but . . . what can I say.

    Pretty nifty, huh? 80) mb

  8. Naomi Smith

    hi. I’m Naomi, and I read your blog from Spain.
    hee hee

  9. Megan @ SimplyThrifty

    You know I read your blog. Enjoy all of the topics you post about.

  10. Sierra Foothills

    hello, I discovered your blog thru friends of friends. We live in No Ca. and enjoy your wonderful stories of life in Tanzania. Grace is a doll and we pray for your upcoming adoption. Our church has partnered with a church/school/orphanage in Uganda and our bible study group adopted Daphne. Keep up oyur bogging. We love reading it!

  11. Buells

    Hi Amy,

    This is Amy Buell from Masters. I love looking at your pictures and hearing about your life in Tanzania. Your daughter is so cute! We live in WA state. Feel free to look at our blog at http://buells.blogspot.com/

  12. Anonymous

    Faith is our church home… we went there for more than 10 years and watched you go out as missionaries. Love missions and the cultural challenges… thanks for letting us read your blog. We recently moved to Idaho…

  13. Anonymous

    hi amy— i read your blog 🙂 I just rarely get the time to comment. It is amazing how much easier it is to feel connected to missionaries with the internet… God bless!

  14. Tabitha

    Okay so I missed you guys even more than usual… So I thought I would check out what was new in your side of the World (great blog)…. and now looking at your blog spot I miss you even more and now I’m sad 🙁
    You are all Loved 🙂 Give Gracie a big kiss from me..
    Love you all to Heaven


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