
A moment ago I caught my husband at the kitchen sink, desperately washing his beef jerky.


Because it had mold on it. And it came from the States and is a delicacy to him.

Pretty humid country we live in here…..even beef jerky, which would probably survive a nuclear holocaust, gets mold on it.

He did, by the way, successfully wash off the mold. And he does indeed intend on eating it. Sometimes, you just get desperate.

He is now “doing the twist” with my daughter in the living room.

I love my husband. 🙂


The CRACKS Are Coming




  1. Anonymous

    oh wow amy keep an eye him though and make sur he doesnt get sick from it!

  2. Amy Medina

    Oh…I’m not worried. You know, there’s lots of foods that have mold in them that you are supposed to eat–like blue cheese. 🙂


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