Easter Girl

No, that’s not all her real hair! She sat for three hours to get her hair done “like the big girls.” I asked Esta to bring someone to the house to do it because I didn’t think Grace would do well in a salon for that long. She got to watch 3 hours of Dora so she was in heaven! I was hoping the braids would stay in for a month but a bunch of them have already fallen out. Oh well. Cute while it lasted.

We had a beautiful Easter Sunday. Gil spoke at two services–one sunrise and one normal and did a great job as usual. We had friends over for dinner–a HOPAC family of 7 and some mission friends, and then played a rousing match of “Apples to Apples.”


Musings on Missionary Life


The CRACKS part 2


  1. Kimcoutts

    Hey….who is that beautiful Easter girl? Is that Gracie? Wow….is she grown up or what? I noticed that you are reading Joel Rosenberg’s book….how do you like it? I am reading the third of his historical fiction books, The Ezekiel Option. They are excellent.
    Love, Babu

  2. Anonymous

    aww shes so cute! wow threee hours of dora my niece sophia could sit and watch dora all day but her new thing is dressing up in a princess dress!

  3. M&B

    Well, little Grace is absolutely PRECIOUS!!! Those pictures are priceless! We received the HOPAC newsletter yesterday and were thrilled to read all of the latest happenings! We miss you guys!

  4. da halls

    I know you know this, but, I just gotta say . . . SHE IS SOOOO CUTE!

  5. Becky

    Oh wow… she is too cute. Gil is quite the photographer. Those are picture to be framed!!!

  6. Tabitha

    Our Gracie looks all grown up…She is so sweet…….Give her a Giant hug from all of us..Medina and Johnson Family..

    Love you to Heaven


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