Get Out the Sweaters!

As Grace would say, “Hip, Hip, Hooray!” The rains have come. Every day this week it has been raining, all day, every day. Tanzania has two seasons: the wet season and the dry season. Or you could call it the hot season and the hotter season. But this week, it has actually been cold! I mean, we’ve gotten down to a definite 73 degrees! Makes you want to snuggle up by the fire.

Rain makes the roads impossible and makes it virtually impossible to dry clothes. But I love the rain here! As I’ve mentioned before, we have no glass on our windows, only screens. So that means that I can hear, smell, “feel” the rain even while sitting in my house. And rain here has this lovely, tropical smell to it.

Hip, Hip, Hooray! The worst of the hot season is over. The next few months should be gorgeous.

Gil took these pictures with his cell phone from our car. We actually saw a guy with a canoe, giving people rides down the street on this day.


The CRACKS part 2


Does This Make Me Green?


  1. Becky

    So… where I am it when it is 73 we bust out our fans and call it hot!!! I would much rather your warm weather. But, this is where the Lord has us and we really love our church. And of course we got 5 inches of snow at the end of March. Enjoy your rain. I miss you friend!

  2. Anonymous

    wow amy those pictures are amazing!


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