Not Exactly a Chinese Church, But….

Grace and I were driving into town the other day, and we passed a Chinese food restaurant. She started hollering, “Church, Mommy, church!”

And she was right. Our church meets in a Chinese food restaurant. Sometimes you can smell lunch cooking as the sermon finishes up…makes it hard to concentrate.

We worship on Sundays with one of the international churches in the city. For a number of reasons, we struggled and wrestled over which Body we should join. How do we get involved with a church when our primary ministry is HOPAC? And when we are already receiving fellowship, leadership, and encouragement during our weekly meetings with our mission team? Do we choose a Swahili church or an English church? Do we choose a church where we agree with the doctrine 100% or a church where we can have the greatest impact?

The answers have never been as clear cut for us as they were in the States. And we’ve never felt totally settled with our answers. But the largest concentration of HOPAC families attend this church. I teach Sunday School and Gil is often given the opportunity to preach. So for now, it has been the most strategic group for us to be a part of.

Anyway. I do think it’s amusing that Grace associates church with a Chinese food restaurant. But I guess that’s better than her growing up with the assumption that a church must have pews and stained glass.


She’s Already Brainwashed


Exam Time


  1. Anonymous

    aww thats too cute about grace wow chinesse food resturant amy your makign me hungary.

  2. Unknown

    Hear, hear! (About the pews and stained glass comment.)


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