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He is my best friend. He is a great listener. He gives fantastic advice. He takes me out once a week. He is an incredible Dad. He genuinely loves playing with our children. He genuinely loves his students. He is an amazing Bible teacher. He agonizes over whether his students really “get it” and is constantly thinking of better ways to teach them. He remembers the things that are important to me. He is a very hard worker. He fixes things that break. He disciplines our children with love. He urges me out of my comfort zone. He makes me try things that I would be too afraid to do. He makes me laugh. He makes my children laugh more than anyone else. He reminds me to relax. He makes me a better person. He loves His Savior.

I love you, Gil. Happy 31st Birthday!


The Elephant in the Room


Two Weeks as a Family of Four


  1. Anonymous

    aww i love the pictures amy espically the one where hes kissing you on the cheek your face is priceless

  2. Anonymous

    Dear Gil,
    Thanks so very much for loving my daughter. Though I gave Amy away to you 8 years ago, my hope was that you would treasure her as you love our God. And you have! I am very proud to call my son-in-law and to boast about the way God is using you, Gil. Happy 31st! Now that you have a son, teach him to love like you do. Perpetuate the message you want all your students “to get.”


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