October 7, 2000

The Happiest Day

Were YOU there???


Not Quite the Same as a Game Park




  1. Melodie Monberg

    Loved seeing your wedding photos…congratulations!

  2. Anonymous

    I was there! Except for the bouquet toss, which I hid for! 😉 I knew it wasn’t my time!

  3. Anonymous

    aww amy congrts on eight years!

  4. Amy Medina

    Yeah…it’s a good thing you hid, because I would have aimed at you! If I recall, I even asked, “Where’s Autumn?” Although, its not like I have any aim…after all, my bouquet hit the ceiling…

  5. da halls

    I remember going to that wedding! I was so bummed that I couldn’t stick around for the reception but I was so glad to watch you get hitched. 80) And I remember watching “the kiss”. Uh huh. Are you blushing?

    Thanks for sharing the pictures. You looked maaaahvoelus dawling.

    ps- My bouquet hit the ceiling, too. Actually, I don’t think it was our fault. I mean, you know the ceiling should be higher for ladies who have so much energy and strength. So, ya, let’s blame it on the fellowship hall . . .

  6. Amy Medina

    MB–I had no idea that anyone’s else’s bouquet ever hit the ceiling of the fellowship hall! I feel much less dumb now. Thanks for telling me. 🙂

  7. Becky

    That was a fun day… and fun to be a part of it! Think of all that has happend since then…now you even have 2 beautiful additions to your family!

  8. Unknown

    Congratulations! You definitely look happy. Wonderful, beautiful pictures.

  9. Unknown

    yes, I was there! i think i even sang. please let gil know i keep up with you and your family! hope all is well!

  10. Amy Medina

    Thanks, Siona. You did sing! 🙂 I gave Gil your message and he said he hopes we can see you in the spring when we are in CA!


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