Not a Halloween Party, But Still a Little Scary

On Friday night we held an “80’s Night” for our youth group. It was a “totally awesome” success. Despite the fact that our students never lived in the 80’s (I am SO old), and the lack of thrift stores around here, our students did remarkably well in coming up with authentic outfits. Just for the record, our girls normally look much more sweet and innocent than this (thankfully!).

Grace kept saying, “Mommy, what’s on your eyes?” Gil, by the way, was going for the “Bill and Ted’s” look.

Yep, that’s the man I married!

Despite how much fun they were having, I was thinking, “Do we really want to be corrupting our students with 80’s culture? Shouldn’t it be left back there where it belongs?” 🙂

I told Randra and Savannah that if they had lived in the 80’s they would have had hair to die for.

Any guesses on what they are doing? 🙂

Breakdancing attempts

Let’s hope these styles never return…..

This was the first time we had done a theme night with our kids and they had a blast! They want to do parties for each decade now….


Settlers of Catan, Version 6.2


Adventures in Rain


  1. Unknown

    What a fun party! You all look so funny, and it brings back memories. I love the picture with everyone doing the Michael Jackson “Thriller” moves. 🙂

  2. Anonymous

    I think they all look very fashion forward! 😉

  3. Anonymous

    wow cool amy!

  4. Unknown

    Boy do I remember that Cherrios t-shirt!!! Hee-Hee!! Looks like a fun party!

  5. da halls

    Um. So, like, would you, like, totally want to be gagged with spoon if I told I sooo totally loved the ’80’s, dude?


  6. da halls

    Oh! And the kids look totally narly doing “Thriller”.


  7. Melissa

    Great idea for youth! Sounds like they loved it! Wish I could have been there to dance “Thriller” with everyone!

  8. Anonymous

    Amy! I recognize that Cheerios shirt from college! Way to bring it back 🙂 -Steph B.


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