Go, Lil’ Guy, Go!

Josiah’s Big News:

Grace’s Big News: (Notice the ears)

(She also tried to get Daddy to take video of her walking too; she couldn’t understand why we just weren’t as excited about her as her brother.)


Not the Path I Chose…


Thankful in Tanzania


  1. Anonymous

    aww amy they are both so cute!

  2. Sammye & Tumaini

    Congrats to Josiah! And to Grace for her new “bling”. I am so sorry about the news on traveling. Like you said, God has a purpose — even though it can be painful sometimes. My family will be in TZ in May, so please let us know if we can bring anything from home. I will call Bibi and Babu closer to the date, and see if we can bring anything from them. Hang in there!

  3. Anonymous

    Walking and being able to reach more things to make mischief! clara is trying too and it is so sweet, she pushes the little walker toy and then does a 2step to catch up to it.
    What does Josiah want in his welcome package? Please email us when soon and let us know his size and desires of his heart 🙂

  4. Chocolate, Vanilla and Caramel

    Hey Amy,
    Wow! A chocolate-vanilla-caramel family! That’s so cool your husband is Hispanic American. And I love that you tell the kids he’s cinnamon. I hadn’t thought of that before, but I love it! (Although I guess it’s too late to change the title of my blog…)

    I laughed so hard about your vanilla experience with Grace. Yes, I guess we have specify it’s vanilla ice cream, otherwise they will get confused when we bake with them!

    Also, I was so sorry to read about all the changes in your plans for your Home Assignment. How frustrating. We will definitely be praying for you.

    What mission are you with?


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