
How many of you moms can relate to conversations like this?

Mommy: Grace, let’s go get in the car.

Grace: Jimmy Gourd, I’m not Grace, I’m Junior [as in, the Asparagus]. And you are Jimmy Gourd.

Mommy: Oh, excuse me. Junior, let’s go get in the car.

Grace: Okay, Jimmy Gourd.

Mommy: Grace, do you want to color?

Grace: Mommy, You’re Daisy [our dog], remember? You can’t talk.

Mommy: Oh yeah. Woof, woof. Grace, do you want to color? Woof.

Grace: Daisy, I’m not Grace, I’m Daddy.

Mommy: Oh yeah. Woof. Daddy, do you want to color? Woof.


Do You Live With Wild Animals?


Does the Church Still Need to Send Out American Missionaries? Can’t the Nationals Do it Better?


  1. The Malmgaard Family

    Very funny! Love the picture!

  2. Amber Hanshaw

    Almost daily! I’m usually one of the Disney princesses and she’s another, or sometimes I am so fortunate as to be Miss Hannigan while she is Annie.

  3. Anonymous

    ha thats cute

  4. Unknown

    She’s so cute! And yes, I am frequently prevailed upon to be any number of random characters from all sorts of different venues. So fun!

  5. Sammye & Tumaini

    This week, Tumaini is actually “Tattoo” 🙂

  6. gutmanfam

    When Bethany was 2, she was either Jack or Jill (and any hill she saw belonged to them) every day for almost a year. Now all 4 kids choose people to be each morning, like the Pevensie kids, various engines from Sodor Island, or families from church that they love. It really helps when a family has 4 kids. Sometimes it gets old (to me), but I keep reminding myself that they won’t always want to pretend and play together like that. These years are precious and passing all too quickly!

  7. Carley

    She’s so much fun, Amy! 🙂

  8. Anonymous

    We all had My Little Pony names, for months! She wouldn’t even let us use real names when we were praying. She would sit there whispering, Pinkie Pie every time we said her real name. Even Jesus had a pony name, Black Horse. :0


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