Close Encounters with New Wildlife

There’s bunches of these little guys at our house.

Okay, maybe not bunches.

But they come out every night. And we always know when one appears because the dogs go crazy. They bark without ceasing and dance around it and even put their mouths on it, but they won’t bite them or massacre them the way they do with rats and snakes. I mean, would you?

And then the hedgehog screams bloody murder. Kind of sounds like a small child crying. A mad small child.

“Pick it up,” my husband says to me.

Pick it up? Like with my hands? You want me to pick up a prickly, pokey rodent which I’m sure has teeth in there somewhere? The dogs won’t touch it; why should I?

So we compromised and used a lid and a stick. He’s actually kind of cute, don’t you think?


20/20 Vision


Hair Art


  1. Anonymous

    wow is that part of the porqupine family dang that thing is huge! glad you compromised and used the lid and the stick! id just run away screaming!

  2. Emily

    The funny thing is…I used to have a pet hedgehog…weird I know, but its true! And I must say that they are not the most friendly or cuddly pets.

    Looking forward to seeing you in a week!

  3. Rotters

    I also had a pet hedgehog in tz. i named him Spike and fed him every day on the bugs that would crawl up into the shower from the drain

  4. Tundra Mom

    that is funny, have a hedgehog that lives under our house. Every night around 10pm the dog goes crazy barking… strange that happens to you too!

  5. madaline

    seeing as just about everyone has a pet hedgehog but me i want to know how much youll sell him to me for(just kidding, dont go sending me a hedgehog) and i have to agree with you amy they do look really cute. tell us what your kids decide to name him. trust me it will happen in the next 24 hours if they are anythign like my siblings. they name EVERYTHING. my brother only names his stuff bob and my sister is not much more creative.

    keep us posted on the hedgehog hotspots



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